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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Black Indeed

I went to see The Black Dahlia on Saturday. I had read terrible reviews, and I wasn't too sure what the movie was all about. But Scarlett Johansson was in the movie, and, to me, that's reason enough to go to The Rave.
The movie wasn't all that good, but it wasn't as horrible as everybody else is saying it is. They're all complaining about bad acting, but I think everybody does at least an okay job, except for Hilary Swank, who won't be remembered by this particular role, so to speak. I think Aaron Eckhart does a very good job, and I don't understand why people are bashing Josh Hartnett so much. He's not awesome, granted, but I don't think he's bad at all. And Scarlett Johansson is of course fantastic.
The movie is based on a James Ellroy book, and it's this noir crime story with lots of twists and turns and surprises you don't see coming (or at least I didn't), so the plot is interesting, even if not terribly compelling. It is entertaining, but the movie could be a bit shorter.
So an okay story, okay characters, and okay acting. Therefore, we're talking about an okay movie. You could do worse than seeing it, but I'm positive you could also do much better.


alberto said...

Joder, menuda foto. Un poco más y le hace una raja al vestido en el escote, en plan, no sé, Hulk Hogan (ya sé que la imagen es un poco bizarra, pero creo que sabes a lo que me refiero)

Redios, que barbaripeich.

Mario Alba said...

Hahahaha. Es que Scarlett es mucha Scarlett :)

Anonymous said...

Santa Madre del Amor Hermoso. Coincido con alberto, en lo de la tremenda pechonalidad de la Johansson. ¡Menuda exageración! Yo la recordaba menos... dotada.
Y sí, la imagen es un poco bizarra. Jejeje, el daño (o favor) que está haciendo el inglés en nuestra lengua madre...

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Fue lo primero que pensé al leer lo de "bizarra"; pero debo admitir que, si no he dicho "bizarro" en voz alta cuando quería decir "extraño" o "sorprendente", sí lo he pensado en más de una ocasión. Bizarro acontecimiento...

Mario Alba said...

Y con respecto a la Johansson, debo decir que es de las actrices más voluptuosas del momento, y no sólo en lo que a upper body se refiere.