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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nunc id Vides, Nunc ne Vides

I finally got a chance to read what is now being called Madame Mirage's first season, and here's to hoping there will be a second one. Erratic shipping marred this very enjoyable story, but now the trade is (almost) out, you have no excuse not to get Madame Mirage and unveil her secrets. (I, for one, am glad I did.)

This book written by Paul Dini and drawn by Kenneth Rocafort is a fun, gorgeous read, and I recommend it to everyone. The story (Madame Mirage taking on Aggressive Solutions International --now that's a concise summary!) takes its time to unfold and present its different enigmas and questions, and it does so with snappy writing and witty dialogue. The artwork by Rocafort is always impressive, and sometimes even great. I like his page compositions and the way he draws Harper: I love her face, her hair, her facial expressions, and her clothes. Angie is, of course, well drawn as well, and she looks especially cute wearing civilian clothes. Some of the bad guys are very cool (I'm thinking about goth Weeping Willow) and often hilarious (Aphrodisiac, Cotton-Eye Joe, the aforementioned goth chick), and there's one supporting character in particular, Dude, who really shines because of the clever way he is written. Is he a dumbass? Is he an overeducated thug? Take your pick!

To sum it up, Madame Mirage is an entertaining book, well written, lavishly illustrated, and with amazing colors, that will make a summer afternoon go by in a very pleasant way. Who could ask for more?


Anonymous said...

Otra recomendación de Fel que quizá nunca pueda comprobar hacia arriba.

Ya me he deprimido.

Mario Alba said...

No te deprimas, que algo me dice que ésta sí podrás hacia afuera comprobarla...


Anonymous said...

Pues vaya, mira tú que bien. Con lo que me gustan los misterios a mí.

Ehem. En fin.

Mario Alba said...

HAHAHA. Priceles... Y no digo más!

Anonymous said...


Mario Alba said...

Por cierto, y aunque no viene a cuento, ya he terminado The Briar King. Tienes que leértelo, Hal!

Anonymous said...

Vale, vaaaale. En cuanto acabe el primer volúmen de Temeraire.

Ah, recuerdo cuando me leía las sagas de un tirón, en vez de ir intercalando libros.

Y es que ahora, tengo a la vez la serie de Novik, de Keyes, DiscWorld y The Dark Tower. Todavía me hago con Harry Potter también.

Mario Alba said...

Pues no será porque no es una serie estupenda, también. Y ya puestos, deberías echarle un vistazo a la serie de Rachel Morgan escrita por Kim Harrison. Excelente!

Anonymous said...

Sí hombre. Y ya de paso también me pongo a leerme todas las novelas de Corín Tellado del tirón.

Me da que hasta que no me jubile no voy a poder ni acercarme a tu ritmo lector.

Mario Alba said...

Es que estoy de vacaciones...