Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Are You Staring at My Butt?

It took me over a month, but at last I was able to go see Get Smart, the movie version of the old TV show created by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, and starring the late Don Adams. I remember watching some reruns with my mom, who used to love the show when it first aired, so I knew what to expect in terms of tone for the story and the character of Maxwell Smart. And, just in case I hadn't known all that, the hilarious previews summed it up pretty well.

I thought Steve Carell did a spectacularly great job as Agent 86, with his deadpan expression and his attempts at being an excellent field agent when he is more clumsy and inexperienced than anything else. Carell is consistently funny, likeable, and fits the role beautifully. Anne Hathaway, as Agent 99, also does a terrific job and looks competent, deadly, and hot at the same time. The artist formerly known as The Rock, Dwayne Johnson, is also funny, likeable, and charismatic as Agent 23, and the two older stars, Alan Arkin (a dead ringer of Professor Farnsworth from Futurama, if you ask me) and Terence Stamp, complete a very inspired cast.

The movie itself is silly and shouldn't be taken too seriously, but the surreal dialogue, the witty banter, Maxwell Smart's grotesque and devastatingly honest observations, and the ludicrous situations and plot developments work together quite well. I don't think I had laughed that hard in a movie in a long while, and I found Get Smart cute and tremendously hilarious. From the very beginning, with the homage to the TV show's intro, to the very end (with another throwback to the show), Get Smart entertained me to no end, and I think anyone who appreciates this kind of humor will have a great time at the movies with Agent 86, cringe-inducing moments included. And there's plenty of those too!


Anonymous said...

Una de las películas de este verano que, de tener las tardes libres y dinero en el banco, caería seguro. La serie ya me encantaba de pequeño, y la verdad es que las previews que he visto son hilarantes. Y no tiene pinta de ser uno de esos casos en los que "metemos lo único gracioso de la película en el tráiler para que la gente pique el anzuelo".

Mario Alba said...

Sí que es divertida, sí, y con mucho más que las gracias del trailer. Menos mal!

Anonymous said...

Joer, con esta ya son tres al menos las películas que quiero ir a ver al cine este verano sí o sí: Wall-E, Get Smart y TDK. Y yo sin tardes libres que dedicarle a tan noble arte.

Igual cuando pille vacaciones la segunda quincena de Agosto sí que me paso a ver la del hombre murciélago al menos. Total, casi no la estrenan hasta entonces...

Mario Alba said...

Pues nada, nada: espero que disfrutes la(s) que acabes yendo a ver. Hoy aquí han estrenado la tercera The Mummy, que ya me imagino no te interesará en absoluto :)

Anonymous said...

En absoluto es decir poco, Fel. La nueva Momia no me interesa ni medio pepino. Ni una centésima parte de lo que me interesa el estreno de la peli de Sexo en NY. Que ya de por sí me interesa bien poco.

Que no es por ser duro con la peli del Fraser ni nada.

Mario Alba said...

Hehehe. Yo la veré cuando vuelva a Chattanooga este fin de semana...