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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Religious Freaks

I had never even heard of Frailty, but my girlfriend assured me it was very good and that I needed to see it, so we curled up on the couch and played the DVD. I didn't know anything about the movie, and I found it to be gripping, disturbing, and very suspenseful. As for the story, suffice it to say that a father of two young kids claims to have been visited by an angel who gave him a list of demons posing as people, and it is his mission to destroy them. From there, things only get darker and more twisted.

Does it sound interesting? If you thing so, rent this DVD, because it's totally worth it. Even Stephen King endorses this film on the DVD cover, and he knows about relentless thrillers!


Nash said...

Me encanta tu critica, si la he entendido bien, eso te pasa por hacer caso y alquilar pelis chungas que te cagas.

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. No la has entendido, no, porque la peli mola :)

Nash said...

Al final me has hecho pillar el diccionario para traducir todo la entrada, seras cruel.
Bueno pues como siempre pasao de ver pelis de terror que quiero dormir por las noches.

Carlos said...

A mi recuerda un poco a Sobrenatural. La reflexión que saco de las posesiones demoníacas es que es una putada. Un demonio me pose, no me pasa nada bueno y encima hay un tío que me persigue y quiere matarme. Yo estoy en contra de la posesiones, no te traen nada bueno XD. Yo veo bien que alquiles la peli ya que en USA no tenis a los pesados de SGA, pero yo me la bajare de Internet...

Mario Alba said...

Estoy de acuerdo contigo, Carlos: las posesiones nunca traen nada bueno para el pobre poseido. Y la peli no la alquile: la vi en DVD, que mi novia la tiene :)