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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Beloved Toys

That Toy Story is one of the best movies ever made and that Pixar is incapable of making a bad movie are two universal truths I hope everyone has by now accepted. That said, it is perfectly understandable that I went to see Toy Story 3 with huge expectations, and that the movie met them.

It was great to see Buzz and Woody again, and the situations they find themselves in are funny, touching, and exhilarating at the same time. The voice acting is superb, and it only adds to the personality and characterization of our old friends, who to me are the main draw. I care deeply about them, and I want to know what happens to them when Andy goes to college. Are they going to be left behind? Are they going with him? In what predicaments will they find themselves, and how will they solve the situation? And as far as solving a situation goes, the brilliant "prison break" sequence in the movie is riveting and incredibly well conceived.

I could just go on and on about how TS3 is yet another masterpiece by Pixar Animation Studios (I could talk about Ken and Barbie, for instance), but I'd rather you discover it for yourselves, so just go to the nearest movie theater and buy a ticket for one of the best movies of the year.

PS: I have to mention Day & Night, the short film that plays before the movie. In the best Pixar tradition, this little movie is a work of art, and of a mindbending originality. You have to see it to believe it!


Nash said...

Este es uno de los pocos estrenos del verano que tengo ganas de ver. No entiendo por que no han sacado ya segunda parte de los increibles, para mi una de las mejores de pixar.

Nash said...
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Nash said...

Y hablando de pixar y cortos este es buenisimo

Mario Alba said...

Gran película, tanto ésta como The Incredibles, mi segunda película favorita de Pixar. Y ya que sale el tema, atento a un futuro post al respecto.

Carlos said...

Quien no ha soñado de pequeño que sus juguetes podían recobrar la vida cuando nos íbamos de la habitación. Yo cuando era pequeño dejaba siempre mis juguetes de una forma para luego ver si se habían movido XD. Por eso esta película siempre ha sido una de mis favoritas. El dilema nos surge cuando tenemos que decidir que hacemos con nuestros maravillosos juguetes cuando nos hacemos mayores y ya no jugamos con ellos, los dejamos a los pobres encerrados en un cajón (prisón) y nos olvidamos de ellos. Gran dilema para una persona que aunque cree que los juguetes la monta cuando nos vamos de casa. Como todas las películas que todavía no he visto la veré cuando vuelva a España

Nash said...

Yo no tiro mis juguetes, pobrecillos todos se quedan en casa y son lo suficentemente habiles para salir de cajones y armarios cuando nadie les ve.