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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Best of Joss Whedon

Entertainment Weekly conducted a poll that once again proves I'm weird. I usually say my taste seems to run contrary to what most people seem to like, and this article showcases it. My beloved EW asked their readers what Joss Whedon's best work is, and the results shocked me beyond words:

Dollhouse: 37%
Buffy: 29%
Firefly: 16%
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: 4%
Angel: 3%
Serenity: 2%

Now, if you were to ask me, I think Angel is, by far, Whedon's best creation, a show that kept getting better season after season. Buffy would come in second place, and Serenity would definitely be third. Since I've only seen a couple of Dollhouse episodes (I didn't like them), and I've never seen Dr. Horrible, Firefly would come in fourth place. As for the grades (there is only one of me, so I won't do percentages), on a scale from 1 to 10, they would look something like this:

Angel: 10
Buffy: 9
Serenity: 8
Firefly: 6

So there you go: I must be crazy. What do you guys think? Is Dollhouse Whedon's best work and I've just missed it? Leave a comment and let us know what you think!


Nash said...

Si yo tengo que elegir podria la primera a firefly, seguida de las primeras temporadas de Buffy y luego Angel.

Mario Alba said...

Firefly primero? Bufff... La serie prometia, pero no llego a desarrollarse y convertirse en lo que podria haber sido...

Nash said...

Pero tenia mucho potencial que es lo importante y los personajes molaban mucho más que los de Buffy o Angel. Una pena que no le diesen tiempo. Pero esa primera temporada es muy buena, asi que la pongo la primera.