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Friday, February 05, 2010

Who Wants to be a

Slumdog Millionaire was the second movie in the DVD marathon I found myself enjoying while snowed in last weekend, and it was by far the best of the lot. Actually, it doesn't need to be compared to any of the other movies I watched to ascertain its greatness. I don't usually find myself attracted to what I call "Oscar bait," so I hadn't really made any efforts to watch the celebrated movie by Danny Boyle. However, I must say I'm happy my girlfriend brought it home, because SM turned out to be a blast.

By now, you all have probably seen it already, and so I am curious to know what you thought about the film. I really liked its narrative flow, and how every question led to a passage in the life of Jamal, showing that he would have been the only one able to answer all those questions right. The love story was also moving, even though Jamal's puppy-dog devotion (as my friend Glen called it) could be a bit sad and overpowering at times. Finally, the sibling dynamic was also great fun to watch, and you went from loving Salim to hating him every other scene.

Besides compelling characters and terrific acting, SM also boasts good direction, a solid script, and a very cool soundtrack, so I guess it's no wonder it captivated audiences everywhere, and I must urge you to watch it if you haven't done so already. A great movie!


Nash said...

El otro dia la puesieron en el tren y decidi no verla ya que la calidad del tren es muy mala por que sabia que no estaba mal la peli, ya me bajare la copia de seguridad y le echare un vistazo.

Mario Alba said...

Tengo curiosidad por saber lo que te parece...