Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Monday, February 01, 2010

Poor Alice

I thought my love for all things Alice knew no limits, but I have just been proved wrong. I started watching the 1985 made-for-TV Alice in Wonderland, and I could only stomach half of it. Natalie Gregory, the girl who plays Alice, is either wearing a horrible wig or she got the worst dye job I've seen in my life. Either way, she looks unnatural, which, added to her not-exactly-amazing acting skills, makes the movie hard to watch. But that's not the worst thing by a long stretch. I would point out the cheap effects and the even cheaper costumes (and I mean, really), and I would still fall short of its glorious awfulness. The worst part by far was the horrendous singing, which was pointless, uninspired, and ubiquitous. I mean, the lyrics didn't even rhyme!

However, at the same time I found about this movie I discovered a version of Through the Looking Glass starring Kate Beckinsale as Alice, so, if nothing else, this movie helped me find this potential masterpiece. Regardless of how it turns out, I doubt it will be more embarrassing to watch than this one.


Nash said...

Solo con ver la caratula de la portada dan ganas de quemar la cinta. No termino de ver a la amiga Kate haciendo de Alicia.

Mario Alba said...

La Alicia más maciza que jamás has visto, hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Impagable la foto a la que has puesto el link. Gran caracterización conejil, sin duda. Eso de que la peli tenga un 7.1 de puntuación en IMDb se lo atribuyo al poderoso efecto de la nostalgia.

¿Qué haces viendo esto en lugar de, no sé, Spartacus? Digo.

Mario Alba said...

Confieso que tal vez haya puesto alguna que otra peli antes de Spartacus. Vi esta Alice porque Crystal la compró debido precisamente al efecto nostalgia, pero tendrías que haber visto a la pobre: no podía comprender cómo podía gustarle tanto cuando era pequeña. Como ya dije en la entrada, dejamos la segunda mitad por ver...