Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Shake It, Baby!

Nothing like being snowed in to have a movie marathon on DVD. The first of the four movies I had the pleasure of watching was The Strangers, which wasn't all that great, truth be told. The tension achieved throughout the movie was probably the best part, but other than that, the movie left me indifferent. The couple trapped in the house does more than their fair share of idiotic things, and it is kind of hard to feel for their plight when you can't stop thinking they deserve what happens to them. The fact we don't see the killers' faces was a neat idea because it made it all more terrifying. However, nothing more terrifying than the camerawork, which was atrociously awful. The director of photography is one of those guys who thinks that making the camera move and shake and tremble during dialogue scenes adds to the tension and the idea that there is something off, that there is danger lurking in the shadows, but nothing could be further from the truth. This only looks amateurish, tries the audience's patience, and accomplishes nothing but to take you right out of the story. You are not prying into a private conversation; instead, you are reminded there is a camera crew shooting the exchange for your viewing pleasure, and the artifice of fiction becomes inescapable. Why would you want to yank your audience right out of the world you are creating, especially when the events are supposed to be based on a true story and you are striving to make the scenario look plausible and as close to real as possible? Don't they realize this trick achieves the exact opposite effect? This only makes a movie that wasn't all that great to begin with look even worse, so watch it at your peril.


Anonymous said...

Joer, Fel, es que mira que te gusta jugártela. Al menos a los demás nos vienen de perlas tus críticas. A estas alturas ya me has salvado de ver al menos un par de decenas de bodrios infumables.

Por cierto, el escritor/director de la cinta, un tal Bryan Bertino, parece que ya está escribiendo la segunda parte, que será dirigida por un tal Laurent Briet, novel donde los haya.

Ya nos dirás qué tal está. ;P

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Dudo que le dé una oportunidad a la segunda parte. Y como bien dices, aquí estoy yo para salvaros de los bodrios más apestosos. Atentos a las próximas críticas de DVDs!

Nash said...

Jajaja la verdad es que es un buen tester si no le gusta es que la peli es mala de cojones, pero si le gusta no quiere decir que sea buena, pero algo nos ahorramos.

Mario Alba said...

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