I liked
The Wolfman, but I find it's quickly fading from my memory. I thought the acting was good, with
Benicio del Toro,
Anthony Hopkins,
Emily Blunt, and
Hugo Weaving portraying their characters convincingly and with ease. (I wish Weaving's Scotland Yard inspector had had a bigger role, though.) The story was nothing to write home about, but I really liked the costumes and the locations. I have realized I am a big fan of Victorian-era tales (those hats! Those coats!), and this movie was gorgeous to look at, even at its bloodiest, most violent parts. The make up, on the other hand, I didn't care much for. Obviously, the werewolf was a throwback to what this creature looked like in the old werewolf movies, and maybe that's why I found him not very convincing and a little fake. I wish it had been designed differently, but I understand he looked the way he did for a reason.
To sum it up, I had a good time at the movies, but I doubt I will ever buy this film on DVD. An interesting Valentine's weekend choice, that's for sure.
No tenía muchas ganas de ver esta película, y después de leer tu review, Fel, ahora incluso menos.
Habrá que seguir esperando la Alice de Tim Burton.
Que a ver si empiezo a releerme los libros. Ayer terminé Catch Me If You Can (fantástico, por cierto), así que tal vez intente empezarlos este fin de semana, que la peli está al caer.
Y con respecto a The Wolfman, no te pierdes nada, Hal. Nada de nada.
Bueno pues otra peli que no veremos en el cine, ya estrenan la del ladron de rayos, asi que pon la critica pronto.
Al final, el viernes pasado acabé viendo The Wolfman en vez de The Lightning Thief, pero vi TLT el miércoles. La crítica está ya escrita y programada para la semana que viene :)
Te habrás echado novia y dirás todo lo que quieras, pero no te veo bajar el ritmo, Fel. Al menos el de visitas al cine.
Esperamos la crítica con ganas.
Eso no baja, pero el de dibujar y escribir ha caido en picado.
Es que no tengo tiempo...
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