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Sunday, February 07, 2010

Hell Is Other Robots

This documentary put an end to my movie marathon, and it was a peculiar ending indeed. Hell House records the lengths a certain church goes to in order to scare people into believing. To this end, the luminaries of this church put together a haunted house for Halloween that, instead of having ghosts and skeletons and the occasional chainsaw-tottering maniac, shows real "horrors" such as abortions, homosexuality, and rave parties. After the lavish production, the attendees are offered a chance to go and pray and join the church so that everyone can have a happy ending and avoid the torments that would most certainly await them in hell. All very uplifting, tolerant, and unbiased, goes without saying.

It also goes without saying I had a blast making fun of these very scary people who would rather spend lots of time, money, and energy in scaring people with beliefs different than their own, instead of putting that time, money, and energy to better use. A few ideas that come to mind are, I don't know: feeding the hungry, clothing the homeless, sending kids to school, buying books and school supplies for those who cannot afford them, working with the local community kitchen. And that's without actually thinking about it for more than two seconds.

So yeah: a very interesting documentary that will make you shiver and shake your head in disbelief. I wonder what Bill Maher would think of these people...


alberto said...

How come you watched it?

Also, if you haven't, you should check out Jesus Camp. That is scary, really. Same stuff, but this time the intended "scary-ees" are children.

I just finished The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Great from the first to the last page.

Mario Alba said...

Crystal brought it over because she thinks it's hilarious, in that scary way these things are hilarious.

I have heard of Jesus Camp, and I am definitely interested in watching it. And if you haven't seen Bill Maher's Religulous, do yourself a favor and check it out.

As for The God Delusion, it sounds familiar. Maybe Crystal has mentioned it...

Nash said...

Un documental sobre fanaticos es que me llame mucho, para ver locos ya tengo el telediario.

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Buen razonamiento :)