Thursday, December 31, 2009
Reading List: December
Kushiel’s Dart
A disappointing novel by Jacqueline Carey, I already told you about it here.
A somewhat entertaining story by Gregory Maguire, I already told you about it here.
Gears of War
The first graphic novel I read this month, this trade collects issues 1-6 of the regular series, and I have to say I was not very impressed. The story by Joshua Ortega, who wrote the second game, is not very interesting, and the artwork by Liam Sharp left me indifferent. The characters do talk like they do in the game, but other than that, the games are much more entertaining than this comic book.
Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star
A terrific book by Brandon Mull, I already told you how great it is here.
The Grand Tour
Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer join forces again in this utterly forgettable follow up to Sorcery and Cecelia, a book I haven't read, and that, given how little I enjoyed TGT, I never will. I just didn't care about the characters or the story, and even though I have a feeling I should have found the story fun and entertaining, I did not.
The Infernal City
A compelling novel by the great Greg Keyes, I already told you about it here.
Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague
An amazingly fun yarn, I already told you how awesome it is here.
Puff, the Magic Dragon
Where the Wild Things Are
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
I read these three classic children's books because all my girls were making fun of me for not being familiar with the stories. Plus, they were a great way to beef up this list. I know, I know --I'm shameless.
Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary
Have I told you already how awesome this series is? I think I might have, but I'm not really sure. At any rate, the last book comes out in March, and I can't wait to get it!
Lo que no vengo a decir
The latest collection of articles by the wise Javier Marías, Lo que no vengo a decir is a great read, both because of what he says and because how he says it. I love the way he writes, and I usually find myself agreeing with what he is saying. If you've never read anything by the Spanish author, you're certainly missing out.
Off Season
A bloody tale of death and cannibalism by Jack Ketchum, Off Season was gruesome fun, and definitely not for the weak of stomach.
Deadpool: Secret Invasion
The second graphic novel I read this month, I bought it because I like Deadpool, and because the artwork by Paco Medina looked amazing. It was a fun read, and beautiful to look at, yet I don't know that I'll continue buying the series. We'll see...
Nightmare World
In this first volume, Thirteen Tales of Terror, Dirk Manning and a variety of artists tell, well, thirteen tales of terror. There wasn't any story I didn't like, and the artwork was acceptable in most of them. (The cover illustration is still my favorite, though.) All in all, it was a fun read, and I will probably get the second volume when it comes out.
So that's it for 2009. Here's to another sixty books next year!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
My Favorite Movies of 2009
1. Inglourious Basterds and Star Trek
In my opinion, these two were the best movies of 2009, but I find it impossible to choose one over the other. Both movies presented an interesting universe with a cool story that was both very original and presented a fresh, clever take on some familiar elements. Both movies were packed with action, tension, suspense, and had strategically-placed humorous one liners all over. Both movies were very well acted, with spectacularly compelling characters, and were a blast to watch. I saw them both twice in theaters, and I have already bought Star Trek on DVD, but haven't watched it already. (Inglourious Basterds was sold out, so I couldn't get it when I went to buy ST.) The only difference between these two films is the tone, IB being dark and bloody, and ST being much lighter fare. How to choose, then? Sometimes you're in the mood for shiny action-adventure, and some other times you'd rather watch something grim and gritty. That's why I can't choose, and I therefore award both films with the prestigious Jhannian Movie of the Year Award. Congratulations!
Read my original reviews here and here.
3. Up
Technically brilliant, Up was also funny, heartrending, surprising, and incredibly moving. Once again, Pixar showed us creativity is key, and originality will put you ahead of everyone else. One of Pixar's top five films, and that's saying a lot.
Read my original review here.
4. Sherlock Holmes
I like all things Victorian, and when you add a detective (and not just any detective), audacious action scenes, sharp costumes, and great actors, chances are I'm going to love the movie. Like I said in my original review, I found it quite original and supremely entertaining, and I'll make sure I get it on DVD as soon as it comes out.
5. The Hangover
The surprise hit of the year, The Hangover was outrageously funny, twisted, and impossible to predict. I laughed so hard all throughout the movie I was surprised I wasn't crying by the time it was over. Certainly one of the most enjoyable movies of the year.
Read my original review here.
6. Zombieland
I have just realized that, so far, all the movies on this list were original in more than one way, and that's probably why I liked them the best. Zombieland surprised me on so many levels that I can't talk about it without spoiling most of the film. The movie was hilarious, with great characters and the acting was dead on (lame pun intended). Even if you don't like zombie movies, you should give this rollercoaster of a film a chance, and see what happens.
Read my original review here.
7. Avatar
Had Avatar's story been more original, it would have been much higher on this list. Still, it was groundbreaking in more than one sense, and Zoë Saldana as Neytiri elevated the movie more than I would have thought possible. Definitely worth seeing in theaters to make the most of its glorious visuals.
Read my original review here.
8. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Most everyone seemed to dislike this movie, but I really, really liked it. As a matter of fact, I just watched it on DVD again, and I simply loved it. Sure, there are a couple of things that were left hanging, but I liked the story, and the combination of Wolverine, Gambit, and Deadpool is simply irresistible to me.
Read my original review here.
9. The Proposal
I was going to choose District 9 over this comedy, but the truth is that, amazing as Neill Blomkamp's movie was, I enjoyed The Proposal a lot more. I am a sucker for comedy, I know that, and this one is plain hilarious. The chemistry between Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds is out of this world, and even though its plot is as by-the-numbers as Avatar's, I still had a great time at the movies.
Read my original review here.
10. Drag Me To Hell
The last movie of the list is another example of unoriginal elements that somehow made for a supremely entertaining story. I think it was because I was rooting for the main character the whole time, but it could simply be that Sam Raimi is an old pro and knows what he's doing.
Read my original review here.
And that's it for 2009. Like I said, I could have included plenty of other great movies, such as 9, District 9, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, or Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, but I tried really hard to stick to only ten films. Still, having had such a hard time choosing only ten means there were lots of enjoyable movies to choose from, which is always a good thing. Let's see what 2010 brings to the big screen...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
2009 Top Ten Books
1. The Pillars of the Earth
Easily the best book I read in 2009, Ken Follett's undying classic is absolutely amazing, as I already told you here. Thank you again, my dear Hal, for getting it for me.
2. The Dresden Files
This year I read the first nine books in the series (there are eleven so far), and every single one of them was great. For Jim Butcher to crank them out so regularly and have each novel be better than the previous one is nothing short of amazing. Thank you, Nash, for getting me started!
3. Fablehaven
This series by Brandon Mull will consist of five books, four of which are already out and are terrific fun to read, as I've already mentioned several times. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
4. El club Dumas
This might be my favorite novel by Arturo Pérez-Reverte, and it is phenomenal from beginning to end. If you still haven't read it, you're wasting time.
5. The Alphabet Mysteries
I read a bunch of Kinsey Millhone advetures this year (from K to T, as a matter of fact), and this series by Sue Grafton never disappoints. I will single out T is for Trespass as one of my favorites, but every novel in the series is just great.
6. Which Lie Did I Tell?
Another book Halagan got for me, William Goldman's adventures as a screenwriting were tremendously interesting. It's weird that I don't read more non-fiction books, because the few I do read I tend to enjoy a lot.
7. Percy Jackson & The Olympians
After reading four out of the five books in this series by Rick Riordan, I can say that I am dying to see The Lightning Thief, the movie based on the first book. I hope it is a big success, so that they turn them all into cool films.
8. Victory of Eagles
The fifth book in the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik, I think Peter Jackson said (at the San Diego Comic Con) the sixth one will be the last one. Whether or not this turns out to be the case, you could do much worse than getting to know this particular dragon and his captain, the way-too-proper Laurence.
9. Smoke and Mirrors
A collection of short stories by Neil Gaiman, Smoke and Mirrors is wildly imaginative, and you will read each and every tale in the book with a sense of wonder and enjoyment like you have rarely experienced.
10. The Infernal City
Of course Greg Keyes had to pop up on this list at some point. I already told you how much I enjoyed this short novel, and I can't wait to read the second and last part of the story.
And that's it for 2009. What awesome books will I read next year? Well, I'm about to find out!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Victory- an
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Seriously Sibilant Susurri
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Feliz Nawiidad
Ambas consolas responden a diferentes maneras de ver el mercado videojuegueril. La Xbox según el modelo clásico de expertos jugones, basado en la duración, espectacularidad gráfica, sonido y guión de los juegos, que explotan al máximo todos los botones del mando de control. La Wii según el nuevo (y a la vez tan antiguo) modelo activo de juego que atrae a jugadores esporádicos, con la simpleza como filosofía, buscando potenciar más que nada la jugabilidad, y haciéndole un hueco a la obtención de beneficios paralelos para el jugador (como, por ejemplo, el mantenimiento físico).
Personalmente, siempre me han gustado los juegos largos y complejos, aquellos en los que la experiencia es un grado. Pero, al menos durante este momento de mi vida, y probablemente en los venideros, respondo más al segundo perfil. No quiero juegos que me hagan estar incontables horas frente a la pantalla, sino algo a lo que poder recurrir de cuando en cuando sin mayor preocupación. No quiero jugar sentado frente al monitor, sino tomar una posición activa y moverme en torno al salón. No quiero una consola a la que le saque el mayor partido jugando solo, sino una experiencia más social, compartiendo el juego con amigos o familia. Y le doy más importancia a la jugabilidad que a los gráficos en alta definición (aún más teniendo en cuenta la jurásica televisión que uso para jugar).
Así que me he decidido hace tiempo. Quiero una Wii. Sabe Dios cuándo podré comprármela, porque en casa andamos un poco justos de dinero, y, sinceramente, hay gastos más importantes que afrontar. Quizá dentro de unos meses sea el momento.
O quizá el momento haya sido este mes pasado.
Hace unas semanas mi novia me regaló la Wii. Se me presentó en casa con el nuevo pack negro que contiene Wii Sports y Wii Sports Resort, más un mando adicional. Regalazo. Me costó unas horas asimilarlo, porque me había resignado a esperar unos meses antes de poder comprarla, pero por algo tengo la mejor novia del mundo. Y hay gastos más importantes, desde luego, pero un regalo es un regalo.
Puedo decir ya sin temor ninguno que no me equivoqué ni media. La Wii es la consola para mí. Lo tenía demasiado claro como para que hubiera resultado ser de otra manera. No me canso de ella, entre otras cosas porque no estoy ni mucho menos todo el día jugando. La comparto con mi novia, mis amigos y mi familia (resulta que mis padres también se han hecho con otra). Adoro su simpleza, pero sobre todo su endiablada jugabilidad. Adoro jugar haciendo el subnormal frente al televisor. Y lo que es más, adoro ver a otros jugar haciendo el subnormal frente al televisor.
Tanto Wii Sports como Wii Sports Resort son juegos muy entretenidos, pero no nos engañemos, son lo que son, minijuegos para reuniones sociales o en los que ocupar veinte minutos del día. Pero qué veinte minutos, y qué reuniones sociales. Partidas de bolos, épicas a la par que hilarantes luchas a espada, relajantes momentos de golf, adictivas partidas de tenis o ping pong, emocionantes concursos de triples... No les pido más, la verdad.
De momento me conformo con lo que ahora mismo tengo, y la verdad es que no quiero mucho más. En el futuro me compraré un Rock Band, eso seguro, y estoy sopesando hacerme con algún Zelda, un Mario, y probablemente recuperar en la opción de Consola Virtual alguno de los juegos con los que tanto disfruté en los 8 y 16 bits. Pero de momento...
¡Mario Kart, allá voy!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I'm Blue Too
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I'm Blue
awaited Avatar is finally here, and I even though I did want to go see it as soon as it came out, I didn't really have high expectations. Did I think it was going to be bad? Not at all, but I wasn't as excited about it as I am about Sherlock Holmes, for instance. Still, the previews looked great (and revealed too much), so I went to the Majestic to see it in 3D.
Let me tell you right now that I had a great time watching Avatar. The movie is beautiful, the visuals incredibly lush and imaginative, and every single aspect has been well thought-out and carefully developed. The world of Pandora is breathtaking, and the creatures that inhabit it are impressively designed. Among said denizens, the Na'vi stand out for obvious reasons. They are the blue feline humanoids the invading humans are struggling with, and they look as real as their flesh and blood costars. The animation is phenomenal, and their facial expressions range from sad to furious to delighted with uncanny realism.
Since I mentioned the actors, I think James Cameron did a great job directing his stars, and Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, and Stephen Lang do an amazing job. However, and strange at it may seem, I think it was Zoë Saldana who stole the show with her voicework as Neytiri, the young female Na'vi that teaches Jake Sully (Worthington) the ways of her people.
The movie is two hours and forty-six minutes long, but it didn't feel that long at all. The story unfolds at a nice pace, and except for some very clunky exposition at the beginning of the film, the narrative flow is excellent. The story, however, is the one thing that doesn't shine in Avatar, and that is a shame. In a movie that captivates the audience in a million different ways, to have a story so trite, so utterly predictable, and so fantastically unoriginal is almost unforgivable. If you have seen the trailer, you know exactly what is going to happen; and if you haven't, you will also know exactly what's going to happen twenty minutes into the movie. The script by Cameron hits every beat this kind of story has been hitting since the first tale in the history of mankind was told, and that is very unfortunate. I will not say anything else so as not to spoil the movie, but if you've seen it already, you will know exactly what I'm talking about, and we can discuss it in the Comments section.
Still, Avatar is so much fun, the world is so rich, the characters' plight is so compelling, and Zoë Saldana's voice acting is so movingly heartrending that I couldn't help but loving the movie. Had the script been more original, Avatar would have been a masterpiece. Since that is not the case, Avatar remains a very entertaining film which is gorgeous to look at and lots of fun to explore, so go see it and tell us what you think!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Final alternativo de Crepúsculo
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Laputan Adventures
Keyes has been hired by Bethesda Softworks to write two novels that take place in the universe of The Elder Scrolls, their famous series of videogames. The first one, The Infernal City, came out a few weeks ago, and I finished it last weekend. I have never played any of the games, and I didn't have a clue what that universe was like, what the races were, or what happened in Oblivion, an event the book references because Keyes's novel takes place after that particular story. But it was a Greg Keyes book, and I was therefore willing to give it a chance.
At 287 pages, TIC is a quick read, and now I'm eagerly anticipating the second part, because the story stops rather abruptly and I want to know what happens next. In true Keyes fashion, there are three groups of characters whose stories alternate in the different chapters, and the reader slowly begins to realize how those threads connect and intersect. The most interesting one (and also the most original one) is the main thread, in which Annaïg and Mere-Glim enter the infernal city of the title. The second one is a bit more traditional, and it stars Prince Atrebus on a quest to stop the aforementioned city, even though that's far from the only thing he has to deal with. The third one is the one that is given the least number of pages, and it follows Colin, a guy who works for the king and who is basically the one the crown sends to quietly dispose of enemies and threats --the fantasy equivalent of the black-ops, if you will.
Everything you've come to expect from Keyes is here: an interest in languages, compelling characters, good dialogue, lots of dangerous situations, high stakes, and plenty of travel. I loved it all, and I never felt I was missing out because I'm new to the Elder Scrolls universe. So, if you like Greg Keyes, don't hesitate and buy The Infernal City; and, if you've never read any of Keyes's books, don't hesitate and buy it as well.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The End of the World
Regardless of how this new arc turns out to be, #25 felt a little bit rushed. On the one hand, the fight seemed to drag on and on, but on the other hand, once the bad guy was dead, there were barely two pages devoted to the fate of all the main characters, and then it was over. I wish they had either had a shorter fight or a longer epilogue, because it really felt like they had run out of pages and the story had to be wrapped up no matter what. Would have hurt WildStorm to add a couple of pages to the book? They're already charging $3.99 per issue as it is, so I don't think I'm being unreasonable.
I guess I should count myself lucky I got closure, and that I happened to read this issue immediately after buying it, because this does feel like the right place to drop the series. The next story arc might be very good, but I don't think I'm interested, at least not right now. Maybe I'll get the trade whenever it comes out, or maybe I won't, but I think my tour of Azeroth has come to a end.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Old-Fashioned Goodness
Watching TPATF was like watching the great Disney movies from the last decade. It was as much fun as watching The Little Mermaid (Prince Naveen, by the way, totally looks like Prince Eric), Beauty and the Beast, or Aladdin. The directors, Ron Clements and John Musker directed both The Little Mermaid and Aladdin, so maybe that's why TPATF felt very familiar, even though it was a completely new story. It was a strange but exhilarating mix of old and new, and I, for one, had a great time at the movies. So, if you like those classic Disney films, rest assured you'll love this throwback to the old school way of animating movies. Great fun!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Affleck Was the Bomb
What surprised me the most was that the film was written by Dean Koontz, who adapted his own book, but after reading his name in the credits it was impossible not to realize the story totally felt like something Koontz would write. However, while I like him, I don't think he is all that great, and the same happened with this story. I watched, I enjoyed it for what it was, and I moved on. Everything was just okay, from the acting (although I still wonder why Liev Schreiber's character was acting crazy even before he bought the farm) to the plot "twists", the special effects, and the music. (Actually, the music was kind of bad.) So should you watch Phantoms, then? Probably not, unless you want to find out if Affleck was indeed the bomb.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Witchblade #131
Monday, December 14, 2009
Awesome Sequel
Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star is the second book in the Fablehaven trilogy by Brandon Mull, and even though I liked the first one a lot, this one puts it to shame. Kendra and Seth are back in Fablehaven in a darker adventure that is full of danger, enemies, and near-death situations. And in the middle of it all, the mysterious Society of the Evening Star steps out from the shadows to try and find a magical artifact that will help them free some powerful demons.
When I put it like that, it sounds like the book has nothing new to offer to the fantasy genre, and that this mixture of modern-world reality, teenagers, and magic was already seen in Harry Potter and a dozen other knock-offs. However, this is far from the truth, and Fablehaven is immensely entertaining and ridiculously enjoyable, so whether or not you are impressed, I am going to rush to Barnes & Noble to buy the third volume!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Too Long, Too Repetitive
The first 80 pages or so are boring and expository. The author is busy building her world, and she does this by drowning the reader in a sea of names, provinces, kings, queens, historical characters (historical in the reality of the book, that is), noble houses, royal families, and political intrigue. I love political intrigue, don't get me wrong, but it can be presented in a more dynamic and entertaining way, like Michael Stackpole does. Also, the deluge of information could have been more evenly distributed, each detail being brought up whenever it was relevant, instead of all at the beginning. As a result, by the time those plot threads came into play, I had forgotten who the characters where or why they were involved in this particular affair.
The story started to get a little more interesting from page 90 until page 250 or so, and then pages 300 to about 550 were really good. This is the part where Phèdre and Joscelin interact with the Skaldi, and it was hands down the best part of the story. I thought that at long last things were starting to happen, and I got all excited. However, the story went downhill from there, and the second half of the book felt very slow and repetitive, becoming a succession of travels and journeys to convince one lord or another to join the cause. (I know I'm being very vague, but you know I don't like to spoil anything in my reviews.) After a couple hundred pages of that, I was ready for the final battle, and the whole episode with the Master of the Straights that preceded it, I could have done without.
The final battle came, and it was followed by the longest epilogue ever, but at least it offered closure. Sure, there are two more books in the series, but the ending of this one (the author's debut novel) is closed enough that I don't feel the story is incomplete. As far as I'm concerned, the story is over, and whatever happens to the surviving characters in the following chapters of the saga is a different story. A story, I guarantee you, I will not be reading.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Fairy Tale
What-the-Dickens tells the story of a rogue tooth fairy, or rather, it tells the story of a young English teacher telling the story of a rogue tooth fairy. Both narratives are intertwined, and both of them are reasonably interesting. Still, the book was merely okay, and even though it made me chuckle a couple of times, it wasn't as entertaining as I thought it was going to be. Therefore, I don't think I'm going to recommend you guys read it, but I don't regret having read it. Hopefully, the next one will be better!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Good Really Good
Are you back? I'm going to go ahead and assume you really liked it, and as well you should. Casey Affleck does a great job as the young detective trying to find little Amanda, a three-year-old girl who has been kidnapped, and Ed Harris, Morgan Freeman, and the aforementioned Amy Ryan are superb in their different supporting roles. The acting was phenomenal, and the writing was so good it made me remember that, a long time ago, Ben Affleck won an Oscar for writing Good Will Hunting. This time it's not an original story but rather an adaptation of a novel by Dennis Lehane, but it doesn't matter. The dialogue is crisp and fast and rings true to your ears, and the story keeps surprising you as it develops. It looks like Affleck should focus less on starring in big blockbusters (or big flops) and more on writing and directing small films. If this is any indication of what's to come, I, for one, can't wait to see what he comes up with next. Go watch this movie!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Harleys & Indians
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
El príncipe valiente
Es verdad que, visualmente, el juego es muy interesante, pero ésa es prácticamente su única virtud. POP es un juego de plataformas, y curiosamente el sistema de saltos es lo que más me hizo enfurecer mientras jugaba, por dos razones. Una, porque muchas veces tu personaje no salta cuando aprietas el botón, sino medio segundo después. Llamadme exigente, pero cuando tienes que ir saltando de plataforma en plataforma o de pared en pared y necesitas secuencias de movimientos precisos encadenados, este defecto es mortal. En la mayoría de casos, para cuando el principito tenía a bien saltar, yo ya había apretado otro botón para moverme en otra dirección, con lo que acababa saltando en esa segunda dirección y no la original. Como resultado, vuestro querido Fel acababa en el fondo del precipicio de turno.
La segunda razón es que muchos de los saltos requieren ayuda extra. Corriendo siempre detrás de ti hay una chica (Elika) a la que estás ayudando a restaurar las tierras del reino, y cuando un salto es demasiado largo, puedes apretar un botón y ella vuela, te coge en mitad salto, y te deja en la otra orilla o plataforma o borde o lo que sea. Esto es más subjetivo que mi primer problema, pero me parece que tener que usar el comodín de Elika para franquear un abismo que tal vez debería haber sido diseñado de otra manera es más un parche para arreglar un error que otra cosa.
Hablando de parches y de tu infatigable compañera de aventuras, Elika es tan formidable que jamás deja que mueras. Nunca. En Prince of Persia, sencillamente, no puedes morir. Cada vez que te caes por un precipicio (y son muchas, muchas, muchas veces), Elika te coge de la mano en una animación estándar y te regeneras en la plataforma en la que estabas antes de diñarla. Por un lado, es un buen recurso, ya que te evita repetir partes del juego que ya has superado. Por otro, sin embargo, no puedo sino pensar que esto no es más que otro parche, una forma de tratar de contrarrestar la frustración que el deficiente sistema de saltos provoca. Es como si hubieran dicho: "la gente va a estar contentita cuando vea lo mal que hemos diseñado los saltos en este juego, así que vamos a hacer que sea imposible morir para que no se quejen demasiado". Como ya he dicho antes, en vez de un comodín o una herramienta útil, me parece un intento barato de tratar de arreglar una tara fundamental en la arquitectura del juego.
Sorprendentemente, lo que más me ha gustado del juego ha sido los diálogos entre Elika y el príncipe, que son excelentes tanto por cómo están escritos como por las voces de los actores. Desgraciadamente, puedes saltarte la mayoría de los diálogos, dado que no son imprescindibles para avanzar en el juego, con lo que supongo que muchas personas se los habrán perdido.
Finalmente, debo confesar que sólo me he pasado la mitad del juego. Quería pasármelo entero, pero después de haberlo tenido abandonado durante un par de semanas, me di cuenta de que no tenía el más mínimo interés en continuar jugando, con lo que acabé devolviéndolo sin haberlo terminado. Supongo que eso es el testimonio más elocuente sobre la opinión que me merece este Prince of Persia.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Parallel Lives
In the first ten minutes of the film, Helen (Gwyneth Paltrow) is fired and goes to the metro station to catch the subway back home. She misses the train, and then we see her running downstairs again and catching it. That's where the narrative splits and, from then on, we follow Helen in two different lives: the one in which she catches the train and gets home early to find her boyfriend up to something he shouldn't be doing, and the one where she doesn't catch him read-handed. Both lives are very different and at the same time very similar, and they intersect at various points throughout the film.
Like I said, I liked the premise and I enjoyed the movie, and not only because Gwyneth Paltrow is super cute (but way too thin). It put a nice spin on the tired romantic dramedy genre, and at 99 minutes, it was lean and to the point, and it never overstayed its welcome. So check it out, and let us know what you think!
Monday, December 07, 2009
The Hills Have a Boring Script
I was going to say the one good thing in this movie is Emilie de Ravin, who is ridiculously gorgeous, but even that is not enough to justify watching this movie. I don't remember ever seeing the original film, but this remake is absolutely worthless. Skip it.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
There Can Be Only One
Saturday, December 05, 2009
A elegir otra vez
Hal y yo comentamos cómo cambiaríamos nuestras listas si tuviéramos que escribirlas ahora, y al parecer él se pensó las cosas mucho más que yo cuando hizo su lista, porque yo cambiaría muchas más de las que él dijo modificaría. (Claro que, según él, Chuck es ahora la mejor serie de la historia, o algo parecido.) Ni qué decir tiene, esto no hizo sino darme una idea para una nueva entrada en Sunny Jhanna, y he estado dándole vueltas a la cuestión desde entonces. ¿Qué diez series escogería ahora como mis favoritas de todos los tiempos? ¿Cómo puedo asegurarme que no me sonrojaré al leerla dentro de dos años? ¿Es Chuck tan buena como dice Hal y tendré que rehacer esta lista después de verla?
Como Halagan señaló en nuestra discusión, parece que estamos emocionados con las series que hemos visto más recientemente, que lo que estamos siguiendo ahora mismo genera tal entusiasmo que empaña el recuerdo de lo que vimos hace años; y creo que tiene razón. (El ejemplo perfecto: la nueva V.) ¿Cómo hacer, pues, un Top Ten que sobreviva el paso del tiempo?
Tras mucho cavilar (bueno, no tanto), se me ocurrió que la solución estaba clara: este Top Ten debería ser como el resto de mis listas de favoritos; o sea, contar con más de diez entradas. Halagan siempre me critica por hacerlo, pero creo que es la solución perfecta. Sin embargo, no voy a hacer una lista kilométrica, sino que voy a poner varias categorías para prepararme para la decisión final. Dicho de otro modo, que voy a pensar en voz alta, a ver qué es lo que pasa.
Mis 3 comedias favoritas
Mis 3 dramas favoritos
The X-Files
Las 3 series que sigo en la actualidad que más me entusiasman
Mis 3 series de animación favoritas
The Simpsons
Las 3 series que recuerdo con más cariño por diversas razones
The A Team
Knight Rider
Tales from the Crypt
Las 3 series cuyos episodios sueltos podría ver mil veces
The X-Files
Dicho todo esto, y si trato de tener en cuenta una miríada de aspectos como la calidad de los guiones y de las actuaciones, lo interesantes que me pueden parecer las historias tanto de las temporadas en general como de cada episodio en particular, la opinión que me merecen los personajes protagonistas, la cantidad de veces que podría ver los distintos episodios sin cansarme, los valores de producción (o como se diga production values en español), y demás apartados técnicos pero también subjetivos, creo que mi lista final de series favoritas sería:
1. The X-Files
2. Scrubs
3. Lost
4. Angel
5. Friends
Me limito sólo a cinco para que Hal no gruña demasiado, pero debo señalar que, de esas cinco, hay dos que deberían llevar un asterisco. La primera es Lost, porque ya veremos cómo acaba; y la segunda es Friends, porque confieso que sólo he visto las cinco primeras temporadas, o cinco y media como mucho. Scrubs ha terminado con la octava temporada, aunque va a haber una novena que es una especie de spin-off y que, aunque no la he visto, me cuesta pensar en ella como parte de la serie original dado el cambio de planteamiento y personajes. En cuanto a Angel, ha bajado de su original primer puesto al cuarto, y creo que es el tiempo que ha pasado entre listas lo que ha provocado este cambio. Si mal no recuerdo, acababa de ver la serie completa cuando hice mi primera lista, y creo que ahora tengo más perspectiva para juzgar, pese a que sigo pensando que es una serie excepcional. Sin embargo, ver las nueve temporadas de The X-Files hace un par de años me hizo recordar la altísima calidad de todos y cada uno de los episodios de esta serie (o de casi todos), y cómo la dinámica relación entre Mulder y Scully es de lo mejor que se ha hecho en televisión. Por lo demás, todas estas series excepto Lost aparecían en mi lista original, aunque en distintos puestos (The X-Files en el quinto, Scrubs en el séptimo, Angel en el primero, y Friends en el sexto), pero no deja de ser curioso que sólo haya mantenido dos de las cinco primeras de mi lista original (adiós a Smallville, Futurama y Buffy). ¿Acaso tendría que ampliar mi lista de cinco a diez? Supongo que podría hacerlo, pero no quiero abusar de vuestra paciencia, así que os cedo la palabra, a ver qué decís.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Period Jessica
In this period piece, Jessica Biel's character, Larita Whittaker, is an American car racer that marries a young British guy who takes her back to England to introduce her to his snob family. You can imagine the conflict: she is low/middle class, they are upper class; she is a working girl, they sit idly in their big mansion and play tennis; she is American, they are British. It is certainly a one-trick pony, but the movie is short enough that it doesn't get too repetitive.
I thought Jessica Biel did a good job, but Colin Firth and Kristin Scott Thomas steal the show as the in-laws, and that's all I will say because I don't want to spoil anything. Everything else in the movie is okay: not great, not bad, so I am not going to say you must watch this film, because you don't really have to. However, if you're in the mood for an old-fashioned screwball comedy, then by all means rent this movie and find out how easy Jessica's virtue is.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Hex es una serie británica que duró dos temporadas, y que se podría resumir como “Buffy con sexo”. Sin embargo, eso la hace sonar mucho, mucho, mucho –pero mucho- mejor de lo que realmente es. Como ya he dicho, la serie duró dos temporadas, pero la forma en que la han sacado a la venta en los USA es un poco extraña. Al parecer, la primera temporada son cinco episodios –seis, si contamos las dos partes del primero independientemente-, y la segunda son quince, pero en “The Complete First Season” que yo me compré hay nueve episodios, diez si contamos el primero como dos. En los primeros cinco –o seis- capítulos, conocemos a Cassie y a Thelma, dos estudiantes de arte en una bonita universidad británica de esas de edificios góticos y tal. En los dos o tres primeros episodios, Cassie descubre un jarrón que, al mezclarse con su sangre, le otorga ciertos poderes mágicos, principalmente telekinesis. A partir de ahí, la pobre Cassie empieza a experimentar una serie de flashbacks que la llevan a descubrir que es descendiente de un linaje de brujas, y que hay un ángel caído cerca que quiere usarla para concebir un hijo que traerá con su nacimiento doscientos demonios a este plano de existencia.
Cassie es insegura, le gusta un chico que no le hace caso, y su compañera de cuarto es una lesbiana punk que la palma en el segundo episodio pero regresa como fantasma que sólo Cassie puede ver. Al final del quinto/sexto episodio, Cassie está embarazada, cortesía del ángel caído Azazeal (que no hace otra cosa más que estar plantado en distintos lugares, mirando al horizonte), y parece que el mundo tiene los días contados.
Estos primeros cinco/seis episodios no están mal del todo, pero son lentísimos, redundantes, y de lo más expositivos que te puedas imaginar. Estos problemas no hacen más que agravarse episodio tras episodio, y cuando la segunda temporada empieza (en el episodio 7 de esta colección), dichos problemas se multiplican y destruyen la serie por completo. Para empezar, hay cambios en el reparto que jamás se reconocen. El chico que a Cassie le gustaba es sustituido por otro que se le parece físicamente, y de pronto dicho personaje deja de tener relevancia alguna en la serie. No se explica por qué, simplemente pasa a un segundo plano. Lo mismo pasa con una chica del mismo grupo de estudiantes: es reemplazada por otra de quien ni siquiera sabemos el nombre. Pero eso no es lo peor, no. Lo peor es que, por un lado, personajes que empiezan a ganar relevancia –Leon, por ejemplo-, cambian COMPLETAMENTE de personalidad para encajar en el molde que se necesita. Así, el machito insoportable y dominante se convierte de pronto en un tipo inseguro y amable así, por las buenas. O la profesora enrollada y superguay se ve, de pronto, aquejada por una extraña enfermedad que la convierte en un cadáver ambulante. O un nuevo profesor que aparece de la nada y se convierte casi, casi en el protagonista –aunque debería decir antagonista- de la noche a la mañana. O que personajes como la misma Cassie actúen por exigencias del guión, y no porque lo que dicen o hacen tenga sentido. O que toda la trama relacionada con los antepasados de Cassie, los espíritus que la acechan, y los fantasmas del pasado que ve, simplemente DESAPARECE POR COMPLETO para concentrarse en otros asuntos. Aunque esa afirmación no es del todo correcta, ya que en lo que la serie se centra a partir del capítulo séptimo es en un nuevo personaje tipo Buffy (caza demonios, la chica), que aparece de la nada y se convierte de hecho en la nueva protagonista de la serie, así, sin más. Pero no hay de qué preocuparse: Cassie muere súbitamente sin venir a cuento, con lo que el cambio de foco está de pronto “justificado”. Desgraciadamente, la personalidad de esta nueva protagonista, Ella, cambia de un episodio a otro según lo requiere el guión, y dichos cambios son tan drásticos y tan repentinos que no tienen sentido. ¿Plantar semillas de futuras tramas y cambios? ¿Para qué, si podemos cambiar las cosas de un plumazo al principio de cada episodio, y al que no le guste que se aguante? Para cuando el décimo capítulo termina, nadie reconocería esta serie, que, si al principio era ya mediocre, ahora es un auténtico esperpento. Creo que iré a McKay’s a venderla, y aunque me den cinco o seis dólares por ella, me desharé de esta porquería que me niego sea vista en mi estantería. Al menos me dará para comprarme un libro, y dado que el pack me costó 14.95, tampoco perderé demasiado dinero con el trueque.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Retro Cuteness
Other than that, I loved the character designs, and everything in this alien world looked great (and round), from buildings to clothes to cars and movie theaters. It was all very cartoony, and the retro sci-fi flavor I mentioned earlier really worked for me. The voice acting was good too, and even though the animation was not as good as Pixar's, it was still good. (Not the short film they showed before the movie, though --that one was rather on the lame side.)
Something I didn't realize until I read the credits is that this movie was made by a Spanish team. When the credits rolled, I noticed those names were Spanish and, sure enough, a "An Antena 3 production" or coproduction sign showed up, and I was floored. And yet for some reason, the movie opened in the States before it did in Spain. Weird.
Anyway, I enjoyed the movie for what it was, and I think you guys would like it to, so check it out if you have a chance. And did I mention Jessica Biel plays the hot neighbor? Or maybe I just thought she was hot because she was voiced by Jessica Biel. Oh, well...