Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Sunday, December 06, 2009

There Can Be Only One

The latest installment in the adventures of the MacLeods comes in anime form. Directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Highlander: the Search for Vengeance is pretty much that: a tale of revenge that spans a couple of millennia. I think TSFV is the best sequel to Russell Mulcahy's classic 1986 film to date, but then again, all the previous sequels have been so bad that a kick in the crotch would actually be better than any of them, so that is not saying much. I did enjoy the film, though, even though I started to feel restless toward the end, and I think you'll like it if you're a fan of the franchise. If you only have a passing interest in the MacLeods though, then go ahead and skip it. But if you want to hear somebody say "There can be only one" one more time, and you don't mind anime, then by all means check it out. It couldn't be any worse than Highlander II, could it?


Nash said...

Solo, existe una pelicula de los inmortales y esta no tiene muy buena pinta.

Mario Alba said...

Porque no te gusta el anime.

Mario Alba said...

Porque no te gusta el anime.

Nash said...

Bueno le dare una oportunidad, pero solo por que eres tu el que la recomienda.

Mario Alba said...

Las culpas luego para el menda, claro...

Nash said...

Si recomeniendas una peli y luego sale mala esta claro que la culpa sera para ti, por recomendar cosas que son malas. Y seras castigado en funcion del sufrimiento que me ocasione ver dicha peli :-)

Mario Alba said...

Sí, pero antes de decir que he recomendado esta peli, tal vez deberías ler mis comentarios en la entrada ;)

Nash said...

Leerlos los he leido, entenderlos ya es otra historia, como te mepeñas en poner las cosas en ingles, ha saber si lo que he entendido es lo que tu querias dicir :-)

Mario Alba said...

Hahahaha. Pooooobrecito.