Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Friday, May 11, 2007

Surfin' FinnFemFel

Ah, the ridiculous lengths I go to impress cute girls --not that it ever pays off. Most of you have heard about Samantha, I think. Well, she asked me to draw a picture for her, and even though I've already accepted I'm not getting anything out of this, I said I would. She suggested something to do with the beach, and this is what I came up with. She still hasn't seen it, but I'll let you know what she thinks.

I was trying to get the best composition I could, and this was the first idea I had. I didn't like it though, because the scene looked empty, somehow devoid of life. I tried a second composition, but I still couldn't show everything I wanted to show (the shark, the alien with the sunscreen), so I decided to go for a third try. This one I liked much better, because the composition works rather nicely (both in character interaction and overall framing of the action), so I used it for the final pencils. The scan is not all that great because you could barely see the pencils on the page (I was trying not too add too much pressure because I knew I was going to ink the picture). And the finished piece is up there for you to see. I like the energy and the overall cartoonyness of the piece. I like all the little details (check out that Sunny Jhanna tee), and I think it turned out rather nicely and dynamic. I guess it'd look even better if I colored it, but I can already tell it would take me about eight hours to do so, and I don't know if I want to do that right now, thanks. At any rate, the pencils and ink took me two and a half hours total, which I spent listening to Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier's Smodcast (installments 2, 3 and 4), which I've already mentioned here. Enjoy!

PS: Nash, no seas vago y lee este post, o al menos mira los links, que seguro que te gustan :)


Nash said...

jajajaj, lo he leido y lo he entendido, casi todo, me encanta ver como as haciendo bocetos y descartas unos, luego como pasas a lapiz y el resultado final de la idea, una pasada y muy divetido el dibujo, ahora toca colorearlo que ya nos tienes muy mal acostumbrados.

Mario Alba said...

Ya me imaginaba que te gustaría. Escaneé esos bocetos y el dibujo a lápiz sólo para que tú pudieras verlos!
Y me alegro de que te guste el dibujo. Molaría pintarlo, pero me costaría muuuuuucho tiempo. Ya veremos...

Nash said...

Gracias por pensar en mi, me hace sentir especia..snif.

Mario Alba said...

Ya ves. Es que lo eres :)