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Monday, May 21, 2007

Forget About Jack Nicholson

We had all heard about Heath Ledger being The Joker in next year's The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins. Well, the first image of Ledger as The Joker is out, and you can see it right next to this words. Disappointed? Scared? Intrigued? Or maybe you miss Jack Nicholson? If Batman Begins and this picture are proof of something, it is that Christopher Nolan sees Batman in a completely different way Tim Burton did. Will it rock? Will it suck? Only one more year to fin out!


Dr. Banting said...


Simplemente acojonante.

Un fan de Batman cansado de Joker Nicholson

Mario Alba said...

Hahahaha. Estoy de acuerdo. Y Aaron Eckhart hace de Two-Face :)

Anonymous said...

Aún a riesgo de caer en el repudio, debo admitir que a mí me gusta la caracterización del Joker a cargo de Nicholson. Claro, que tampoco es que haya leído muchos cómics de Batman en mi vida. O uno solo siquiera.

Sobre la elección de Heath Ledger como el nuevo archinémesis del hombre murciélago, me fío completamente de Mr. Nolan.

Mario Alba said...

Te repudiamos! Te repudiamos!

(Es broma)