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Friday, January 19, 2007

Blade of the Witch

I was about to open Witchblade #102, but I just couldn't remember anything about the previous issue. Decided to remedy the situation, I got issue 101 from the shelf, and the cover alone was enough to make me understand why I couldn't remember anything: it came out in September 2006. Ah, the joys of "monthly" comic books. I pretty much re-read issue 101 (of course, this involved getting ish 100 to check out a couple of things), and then sat comfortably on the couch and opened ish 102. And boy it was fun. Adriana Melo's artwork isn't mind-boggling, but she knows what she's doing and she is better than most. I just wish somebody would ink over her pencils. What's up with this fad of not inking comic books? It probably saves time and money, no argument there; but it's only in the rarest of occasions the pictures look better without ink over the pencils.
At any rate, the pretty pictures were mostly pretty, and Ron Marz's story was compelling and interesting. I'm not going to spoil anything here, but since issue 100, the series has been going in a very interesting direction that seems will crystallize next month (I should say next issue, cause who knows when #103 will actually ship). So yeah: Witchblade is fun, compelling, and interesting, so I'll keep it in my pull list. At least, it almost compensates for all the awful books I've been suffering lately. Go Witchblade!

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