Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Here you have a quick picture I drew a few days ago. I had this idea to draw a fat bandit, and I started working on the picture immediately. The initial pencil sketch was quick and not fully realized, since I wanted to move in with the pen as soon as possible. The finished piece didn't take any time at all, and I had a lot of fun drawing it, so I hope you like it!


Carlos said...

Como sois los Yankees siempre los "bandidos" son los pobres Mexicanos. Jajaja es broma. Me ha gustado mucho. Podías empezar a alguna hacer una tira comica, con tantos personajes que has creado seguro que te algo.

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha: es verdad. Lo de la tira comica no es mala idea. Tengo varias cosas en la cabeza, asi que a ver si me pongo a ello...