Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Communicating 09

Here you have the last page of Cultura de comunicaciones, the story my sister and I submitted to a comic book contest last January. Once can't think about telepathy without mentioning telekinesis, and since I had ended page 8 with a guy sending a telepathic message, page 9 had to begin with some sort of telekinetic activity going on. Since I had already mentioned painting on the first page, I thought having a telekinetic artist on the last page would be a nice way to go full circle. Also, can you imagine how popular live painting would become? It occurred to me that people love to see artists drawing and painting, and the thought of having them do it telekinetically in front of an audience would surely become a tremendously popular form of entertainment.

After cracking myself up with the French-looking artist (who is one of my favorite characters in the story), I came up with an equally ludicrous teleporting chamber that shouldn't look as much like a boob as it does. The "nipple" was supposed to be a light, but my sister colored it like metal and I didn't want to ask her to change it, so I just went with it. I also like the guy (who may or may not be based on an actual person) coming out of the device, and the two cities he mentions are certainly not chosen randomly.

Finally, I love the monkey experimenting on the other monkey, and I thought it was a nice tongue-in-cheek way to wrap up my silly story, which now looks like a prequel to Planet of the Apes. Movie references aside, I do like this last page, and it probably is my favorite one along with pages 1 and 7. I had a lot of fun drawing this comic book, even though I rushed through the pages so much to have them finished on time. Needless to say, we did not win the contest, but I never expected to, so it doesn't really matter. What matters is that I had a good time, and that I have some sequentials to add to my portfolio. I hope you enjoyed our journey through the history of communication!


Nash said...

Me gusta mucho, las caritas de los monos son geniales, el malo maloso y el pobre pardillo. El pintor me recuerda a cierto alien que salio en otra de tus sagas, creo que los artistas visten igual, ya lo comprobare.

Mario Alba said...

Sí que se parecen, hahaha. Debe ser la idea que tengo de artista, hehe.

Con respecto a los monos, me gusta cómo los pintó mi hermana. La verdad es que le quedaron de lo más bien. me alegro de que te gusten!