Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Here you have a sketch I drew in a meeting a couple of weeks ago. A few days before said meeting, I had an idea for a comic book series that would be called Ruled by Spiders. As you can imagine, this would pretty much be Planet of the Apes with arachnids instead of monkeys. Doesn't it sound like fun?

The concept sketch you can see accompanying these lines depicts Fel and Shard, the two heroes in the story, hiding from their eight-legged overlords, and I think it turned out kind of cute. I drew it with a black pen without sketching it in pencil first. I could see the picture in my mind very clearly, and therefore I decided to skip the pencil stage and work in ink directly. The result, as all my pen sketches and meeting sketches tend to be, is a bit rough around the edges, but I think it's a fun picture, and I hope you like it!


Nash said...

ME gusta mucho, te has puesto con una cara muy decidida, no como normalmente, con cara de circustancia, espero que hagas el comic.

Mario Alba said...

Sí que me gustaría, sí. A ver si tengo tiempo y energía...

Nash said...

Tiempo??? pero si eres profe ahora tienes dos meses de vacaciones. Lo de la energia ya es otra historia, que estas muy esmirriao, creo que no te dan bien de comer alli en los USA

Mario Alba said...

Es que tengo otros proyectos y actividades que me quitan el tiempo, hahaha.