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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Vegetarian Dinner?

Here you have a picture that formed in my mind a few weeks ago. I was driving down from Chattanooga to Tunnel Hill while listening to the latest episode of 11 O'Clock Comics, and VinceB (one of the hosts) said something about letting your imagination run wild, or trying to come up with the weirdest thing possible, or something along those lines. I wondered what I would come up with if I tried to come up with something weird, and what I came up with was funnier and less weird than I would have thought. The funny thing is that the picture appeared in my head with the title and everything, a neat package missing only a ribbon. It simmered in my head for about three weeks until I had time to draw it, and I have to say I really like how it turned out. It's weird, creepy, funny, and cute, all at the same time, and it looks pretty much like the mental image I had in my head. However, now I wonder what it would look like in color --not that I think that will happen. Enjoy your meal!


Nash said...

jajajja un dibujo muy divertido, pero un poco de comida vegetariana no hace daño.

Mario Alba said...

Me alegro de que te guste. Y sí me gusta la comida vegetariana :)