Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I recently got a chance to watch Return to Oz, a very strange movie that takes place after The Wizard of Oz and adapts two Oz novels (Ozma of Oz and The Land of Oz). Dorothy is played by a very young Fairuza Balk in her first role ever, and Dorothy's companions are a weird mixture of clockwork soldiers, scarecrows, jack-o-lanterns, talking hens, and a bodiless moose head. And if you think that's weird, then wait until you meet their enemies.

The special effects are cheesy and dated (the film was released in 1985), but I liked the rock faces quite a bit; and the acting isn't all that great, except for Fairuza Balk, who might have delivered the best performance of her career in this role. And despite all this, I enjoyed RTO more than I probably should have, probably because of its eeriness, weirdness, and sometimes nonsensical developments. So, if you're in the mood for an old, quirky movie, return to Oz with Dorothy and see what you think.

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