1. I did watch the first season of Hex (more on that soon), and the eighth season of Scrubs.
2. I watched weekly episodes of Flashforward, V, and Plutón BRB Nero.
3. I spent a lot of time playing Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia.
4. I devoted a lot of my free time to an illustration I was commissioned to do. (More on that soon.)
5. Some of the books I read I didn't particularly enjoy, which means I took a long time to finish them.
All these factors combined prevented me from reading too much, so I will try to compensate next month. Let's talk about the three books I actually read.
A friend let me borrow this book by Brandon Mull, and I really enjoyed it. It is a book for young adults, and it deals with teenagers, magic, and strange events. Fablehaven is the first book in a series, and I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to turn it into a movie (or a franchise), so I'll be paying attention to IMDB.
Indigo Springs
This book by A.M. Dellamonica is one of the books I was referring to a couple of paragraphs ago. The premise was interesting, but the pace was too slow, the dialogue stilted and very unrealistic, and I just didn't like the way the story unfolded or how it was told. As it happens, the only thing I enjoyed in this book was the gorgeous cover by Julie Bell.
It took me forever to finish Indigo Springs because I had no interest in reading it after a while, but I forced myself to continue... which happened really slowly. As a matter of fact, I took a couple of breaks in between chapters to read some passages from Ovid's Metamorphoses and a handful of chapters from Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Dart. In the end, I did return to Indigo Springs and suffered through its pages until the torture was over.
There is a sequel in the works I will make sure I don't buy.
T is for Trespass
The best book I read this month hands down, and one of the best books I've read this year. I told you all about it yesterday, so go enjoy my musings there.
Other than that, I have been reading Kushiel's Dart, which is also very slow-paced in the beginning, and ridiculously long. I am on page 500, and the book has over 900 pages, but now it's getting more and more interesting, so maybe I'll be able to finish it faster than I thought. At any rate, I hope December brings a lot more books!
Me tienes decepcionado, Fel, la verdad.
En cuanto a eso de que quieres compensar este mes que viene, pues te temo. Si sin proponértelo eres capaz de leer de cinco a seis libros al mes, como te lo propongas... Eso, que te temo.
Pues sencillo halgan simplemente revisa la lista de lectura de cualquier otro mes y veras como 12 libros :-)
Yo sigo releyendo, este mes toca cancion de hielo y fuego, es jodido releer un libro tan bueno donde todo acaba tan mal.
De regalo de boda mi hermana me ha regalado la Wii y esta genial diga lo que diga Finn, eso si tengo unas agujetas en el brazo que te cagas.
La Wii mola la primera semana...
Y tratar'e de leer m'as este mes. Ya escribir'e m'as cuando recupere mis acentos...
Pero sí: que leer sólo 1.600 páginas en un mes es una vergüenza. El próximo mes, más ;)
Bueno ya te contare si mola la primera semana o más tiempo, yo me he pillado tambien la wii fit o como se escriba y asi hago algo de deporte.
Prefiero leer menos y acordarme de los libros que leo, tu eres una trituradora de libros. Por cierto como van tus estanterias por que mucho espacio ya no te puede quedar.
Pues eso: ya nos dirás qué tal la Wii.
En lo que a mis estanterías se refiere, tengo una grande prácticamente vacía, pero el resto están todas llenas. Y cuando llene esta grande no sé qué voy a hacer, porque no es que me quede mucho espacio. Con algo de suerte, puede que sea capaz de poner dos pequeñas en dos sitios diferentes, pero no sé si cabrán...
Al paso que vas necesitaras contratar un bibliotecario para entrar en casa :-) cuanto te echan de menos los del fnac de Valencia.
Es verdad, hehehe. Pero ahora Amazon y Barnes & Noble me adoran :)
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