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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Vampire Gummy Bears

A girl in my Cartooning Club is obsessed with horses, vampires, and gummy bears, so I suggested she drew a horse gummy bear, which I proceeded to draw as well. After we were done, we decided to kick it up a notch and combine all three to create the first vampire horse gummy bear (or perhaps just vampire gummy horse) ever, which I also rushed to portray. Silly as these concepts were, we had a blast, and that's all that really matters. Enjoy!


Nash said...

No se que me gusta más si la historia o el muñeco, pero seguro que con el fanatismo que hay ahora con lo vampirico si haces peluches de tu caballo-oso gummy-vampiro te forras.

Mario Alba said...

Hmmm... Algo de dinero puede que me sacara...

Anonymous said...

A mí me gusta más el dibujo, sin duda. Anda que no ha quedado molón, jejeje.

Mario Alba said...

Tiene su gracia, es verdad :)