Regarding the artwork, Stjepan Sejic knocks it out of the park once again, and the way he draws "the horse" is really amazing.
Finally, the letters column is also quite interesting in this issue, especially the Letter of the Month. It's funny, because the guy that wrote it was really unhappy with the way Marz solved Broken Trinity a few months ago. Marz, as usual, is a class act and explains his point of view and the choices he made respectfully and eloquently, and he is very convincing. However, the angry reader had a valid point: I doubt anyone was surprised with who "died" in the series. Broken Trinity was a fun read, and it introduced a couple of cool characters, and two of the Thirteen Artifacts (and, unlike the unhappy reader, I'm in no hurry to see the remaining items revealed), but I could have told you who was going to die even before reading the first issue. So maybe Broken Trinity wasn't the big event it was made to be, but who cares? It was a great companion to the superb Witchblade, and Witchblade is all we care about here in Sunny Jhanna, is it not?
Joer, vaya mierda. Ya me han vuelto a entrar unas ganas de la leche de seguir leyendo Witchblade. Peeero, me esperaré. Pronto haré mi primer pedido del año a Amazon (que acaba de salir, ¡por fin!, The Born Queen en MMP), y algo me dice que incluiré el primer volúmen de Origins al lote. :D
Pues bien que harás, querido Hal. Ya nos dirás qué te parece :)
Con respecto a estos dos últimos números de Witchblade, a ver si puedo hacer algo...
Ni se te ocurra, Fel. ¡Ni se te ocurra, que ya está bien!
Al final voy a tener que odiarte o algo...
Hahaha. I love you too.
Aunque he oído por ahí que quieren sacar el arco Crown Heights en TPB individual...
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