Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lost Five’s First Five

I managed to catch up with Lost before episode five (or four, if you count the two-part first episode as one instead of two) aired last Wednesday, and man do I love this show. If I was recently talking about how Smallville is usually more of the same all the time, Lost is a show that keeps the shocks, the surprises, and the ridiculously unpredictable revelations coming minute after minute.
I won’t spoil anything for you, but I have high hopes for this season, which is the second to last of the show. So far, Desmond has proved once again why he is my favorite character in the show. His storyline is tremendously compelling, and he is charismatic in a quiet way. Also, and maybe I’m crazy, but he kind of reminds me of my friend Jorge, and maybe that’s why I like him so much. At any rate, mindbending revelations keep coming from his end as well as Faraday’s, whose role and knowledge of what’s going on keep growing episode after episode.

There are still roughly a million questions that need to be answered, but it looks like plenty of those will be addressed this season. At the very least, the time travelling plot device will account for some of those, but it will be really cool to see things explained. And I don’t know about you, but I always enjoy time travelling stories (well, I know Hal doesn’t like them necessarily), and maybe that’s why I like both Desmond and this season so much. What brain-shattering event will take place next? We’ll find out in just two days!


Dr. Banting said...

El quinto capítulo de la quinta temporada ("This place is death") es simplemente cojonudo.

Como diría el bueno (y escocés) de Desmond Hume...

"Aye, Brother!!"

alberto said...

Yo, lo único que pido es que el final de la serie sea digno de tal nombre. Hemos invertido demasiado tiempo en esta serie para que nos salgan con un rollo tipo Dallas.

No lo creo, pero cosas más raras se han visto.

Algo que descubrí ayer. La actriz que hace de Penny Widmore es medio argentina. Y la verdad que tiene un acento porteño hablando casteshano que le hace ganar muchos enteros...

Jorge said...

Es evidente no sólo mi parecido anímico pero físico con el sujeto de la foto. El pelo...eso me falla. Tendré que volver a dejármelo largo como en mis años mozos. ;)

Mario Alba said...

Gran serie que, como bien dice Alberto, espero no nos decepcione al final.

Con respecto a Penny Widmore, la niña está como un queso. Como prácticamente todas las actrices en la serie. It's a good-lookin' show, especialmente con personajes que se parecen a Jorge ;)

Recaredo said...

La Penny va cargada de estopa. Sus hijos no pasarán hambre. Lo de Lost... que quieren que les diga, yo estoy cada vez mas perdido. Diganme simplón. Y eso de que el quinto capítulo es la leche... me reservo la opinión.

Recaredo said...

P.D. No se pierdan la nueva temporada de MUCHACHADA NUI, con el testimonio de Jim Morri.. uy, que diga, Enrique Bunburi!!