Iron Man: The Inevitable
I didn't like this miniseries at all. The story by Joe Casey left me indifferent (even worse: it bored me), and the artwork by Frazer Irving was a horrible mismatch for the story and the character. Call me crazy, but Tony Stark looked remarkably like Hitler, and I didn't find that funny or appropriate. Skip it if you haven't read it.
Something Wicked This Way Comes
I was curious to read this classic by Ray Bradbury, and it was an interesting story but kind of slow and not as compelling as I would have liked.
Are You There, Vodka? Its Me, Chelsea
I already talked about this hilarious book by Chelsea Handler here.
El último deseo
A very interesting read by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Last Wish (Ostatnie zyczenie in Polish) introduces Geralt de Rivia and his world, which develops throughout six more novels that I might just have to read. My friend Nash gave me the first two volumes as a birthday present, and even though it took me a couple of months to start reading the first one, I finished it in a matter of days. The mixture of fantasy, lore, and fairy tales is very original and ingeniously presented, and the main character is enigmatic, charismatic, and other adjectives ending in -atic that mean the book is a lot of fun to read. All in all, this novel was an unexpected treat, and I can't wait to read the next one. Thank you, Nash!
The Spider and the Fly
This oversized book is based on the cautionary tale by Mary Howitt, and is beautifully illustrated by Tony DiTerlizzi. You'll read it in a matter of minutes, but you'll spend a lot longer drooling over the artwork that accompanies the words. Great fun!
The Boy with the Cuckoo-Clock Heart
This gothic novella by Mathias Malzieu is also a steampunk tale of sorts, something you wouldn't be surprised to see as a Tim Burton movie. Malzieu is the singer of the French band Dyonisos, and this novella was the basis for their latest album, which must be an interesting collection of songs if they were inspired by this story. As it happens, I found the video for one of them, and it totally looks like the story I read, if that makes any sense, so check it out, and then decide if you'd like to read the book.
And that's it for this month. I will be traveling in June, so we'll see how many books I'm able to take with me. If you want to find out, come back in a month and all the secrets will be revealed!