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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cannibal Children

Here you have a quick sketch I drew while playing Dungeons & Dragons with my friends. One of them mentioned how our group is always killing everyone we come into contact with, and how she did not want to kill any children unless they turned out to be cannibal children. That was all it took to get me to grab a pencil for a lightning-fast sketch which I then proceeded to flesh out directly with a black pen. The result is, I think, more disturbing than anything else, but I really like it. At the same time, I hope I never come across anything like this creature, seeing as it looks rather nasty and violent. Needless to say, I hope you guys like it!


Nash said...

Muy muy chulo el dibujo.

Mario Alba said...

Me alegro de que te guste. Ha quedado de lo más mono ;)

Nash said...

Mono mono, exactamente no, tiere una cara de cabronazo que te cagas.

Mario Alba said...

Hahahaha. Es verdad :)

Carlos said...

a mi me recuerda al canibal que salia en lo dibujos antiguos de la Warner no?? un poco mas cabreado pero tiene un aire

Mario Alba said...

Hmmm... No me acuerdo del personaje, pero puede que se parezca. A fin de cuentas, los canibales cabezones son todos iguales, hahaha.