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Friday, May 07, 2010

Nursing the Reptile

The third entry in our Inappropriate Carvings series is so wrong I think it trumps the first two installments. Why on Earth would you let a dragon get that close to you? And also, what is the dragon thinking? Doesn't he know he is not a mammal and therefore does not need to be fed that way? Or, what was the artist thinking when he carved this particular scene? I wonder how many people who visit this monument actually notice these figures. I had been here at least once before, and I never had, so this discovery made me giddy with elation. Yet the best one is still to come!


Nash said...

Yo empiezo a pensar que los problemas de drogas ya estaban muy extendidos en la edad media entre el gremio de los escultores.

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Lo que pasa es que eran unos picarones :)

Nash said...

Pervertidos diria yo, por que un dragon le este mordiendo la teta a un agel no es de picaros, es de mentes enfermas.

Mario Alba said...

De acuerdo :)