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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You've Been Hexed

I had never read a single issue of Jonah Hex before, but the combination of a cool cover, the continued praise the series gets from the 11 O'Clock Comics guys, and the upcoming movie with Josh Brolin and Megan Fox made me want to try this issue.

From what little I know about the series, it seems like issue 53 is a good representative of the adventures of bounty hunter Jonah Hex. This done-in-one written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray was quite an enjoyable read, and the art by Bill Tucci was very nice, especially when complemented with the colors by Paul Mounts. I could definitely enjoy the story without having read the previous 52 issues, and I don't feel I need to get the book next month to find out what happens next. All in all, ish 53 was a good purchase, and I wouldn't mind reading more about the character!


Nash said...

El papel de puton vervenero le va como anillo al dedo a la amiga "Fox", pero sinceramente no veo esa peli en el cine ni aunque me inviten.
Como pasa el tiempo, que mayor esta el hermano mayor de los Goonies.

Mario Alba said...

Esperaré a ver el trailer antes de decidir...

Nash said...

El trairler seran un monton de escenas donde sale Fox, muy sugerente y algun tiroteo, asi que al final iras a verla.

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Ya veremos...