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Monday, March 15, 2010

I Wanna Be Like Him

Peter de Sève is a genius of unrivaled skill, let me make that very clear. I finally got A Sketchy Past, the book showcasing illustrations by de Sève, and my jaw came unhinged. Every single illustration in this book is gold, a feat of impossible skill, a triumph of a master. Am I gushing too much? Maybe I am, but de Sève's artwork is incredible, and I want to be like him. Of course, I doubt I'll ever achieve anything resembling this level of dexterity with a brush (or pencils, or pens), but I really want to try. That is one of the best things about somebody else's work blowing your mind: that it inspires you and challenges you and makes you want to be better. The downside is that it probably won't happen, but man am I excited to try.

This book is expensive, but it is worth every single penny and twice that, so if you are interested in enjoying a comprehensive look at de Sève's career, go buy this book now. There is no way you will regret it.


Nash said...

40$ es caro, prefiero que cuando vegas me lo dejes ver :-) que con eso me compro dos libros normales. Aunque ya no me caben en casa :-(

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Pues eso: cuando vengas, te lo dejo ver ;)

Anonymous said...

Así me gusta, Fel, que te pongas desafíos cada vez mayores. No hay manera de avanzar si no.

Ejemplo a seguir que estás hecho. ;)

Nash said...

Que cruel eres, pero bueno espero que dentro de poco me des la escusa necesaria e inivitable para ir a visitarte en VERANO :-) y asi poder disfrutar de tu biblioteca

Mario Alba said...

El otro día hice un dibujo a acuarela tratando de imitar al maestro... y ya veréis el resultado, hahaha.

Y muy transparente, Nacho, hahaha. Me apunto la estación para la cita inevitable ;)

Anonymous said...

En realidad no pretendía ser cruel. Lo decía en serio, lo juro.

Ejemplo a seguir.

Mario Alba said...

Lo de cruel lo decía por mí, Hal ;)