Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Do bloggers dream of electronic books? Perhaps, perhaps. I broke out my watercolors for this daydreaming depiction of yours truly, and I must say I think it turned out rather cute. I think the tie is my favorite part of the picture, but that might just be because it's purple. Obviously, I was trying to go for a Peter de Sève look, but the master is the master for a reason, and I am but a mere amateur. Still, I think I might be on to something here, so perhaps I'll persevere. At any rate, this picture was meant to become a bookmark, which also turned out rather cute, so I guess I achieved what I set out to accomplish. Let me know what you think!


Nash said...

Muy bueno el chiste, y muy bueno el dibujo.
Pd.Yo paso de los libros alectronicos y esperemos que durante muchos años se siga utilizando el papel.

Mario Alba said...

Estoy de acuerdo: viva el papel!

Y me alegro de que te guste el dibujo :)

Nash said...

Por cierto si es un marcador de paginas de libro, seria un detalle muy bonito para todos tus fans que hicises una edicion especial con Dae, Erin y el resto de personajes conocidos por estos lares y los repartieses :-)

Mario Alba said...

No es mala idea, no señor...