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Friday, March 12, 2010

Big Mistake

That's what buying Platinum Grit sight unseen was: a big mistake. I really want to try to stay positive, but there simply wasn't anything in this book that I enjoyed. The story by Trudy Cooper and Danny Murphy was barely intelligible, and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. Nothing seemed to make sense, and, to make things worse, there were several spelling mistakes scattered through the book. The most egregious offense was the writer's certainty that "descend" was spelled "decent". Guess what, Ms. Cooper? It isn't.

The artwork wasn't my cup of tea either, with what struck me as poorly rendered characters and backgrounds. It had a certain cartoony look that I thought I was going to find appealing, but that was also a mistake. I'm glad Ms. Cooper is making some money with her drawings, but she certainly won't be getting any more from me.

All in all, Platinum Grit was boring, baffling, and not enjoyable at all, but maybe I am missing the point, because all the Amazon customer reviews say it is great. If you ask me though, I'd say don't ever read it. Not even for free, which you can actually do, as this was originally published as a webcomic. It's time of your life you will never get back.

1 comment:

Emily said...

The story and the art gets a lot better, a whole lot better. I recommend reading a bit farther, book two is also a bit cartoon-y but there is lots of character development and my favorite character, Kate, is introduced. In fact she was in the first book originally, but for some reason the most resent publishing push chapter six to the next book.

You can read the whole story at the link below, but be sure to download Adobe Shockwave or you might have trouble reading the older chapters.