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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

This Ain't Funny

I just read Chinatown, the first Goon original graphic novel, and I loved it. I am a big fan of The Goon, the series written and drawn by Eric Powell, and I own all the trade paperbacks. Chinatown is referenced a couple of times as something in Goon's past that helped him become who he is now. After reading all the TPBs, I got Chinatown, with its gorgeous cover, and devoured it. It is a fast read, and I would recommend it to fans of The Goon without hesitation. The story is very good, and the artwork is terrific, with Powell doing pencils, inks, colors, and lettering. If you have never read The Goon, though, you might want to start somewhere else. Even though Chinatown is quite a standalone story, it is not nearly as funny as the ongoing series. As a matter of fact, while the ongoing series is sidesplittingly funny, Chinatown never makes you laugh. It is a tragic, dramatic story that offers a glimpse at Goon's past, but it is a very serious, heart-wrenching tale that will affect the tone of what comes next.
If you don't want to take my word for it, go watch Blair Butler's review of the book. And if you want to laugh out loud, go the official Goon site and check out The Chinatown Interview. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Por temor a spoilers, por esta vez no voy a seguir los links de tu post, Fel. Según has puesto la serie la quiero leer algún día.

Mario Alba said...

Gran serie, gran serie. Se la recomiendo a todo el mundo!