Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Give a Reason

All this talk about music and series and stuff I like but other people most likely revile made me think of Slayers. Slayers is, simply put, one of the greatest Japanese series I've ever seen. Slayers mixes fantasy with humor and action, and it has a huge following, even though the show only lasted for three seasons (Slayers, Slayers Next, and Slayers Try). The anime was based on a series of novels (fifteen, to be precise), of which only eight have been published in the United States (and I've only read five so far). There are also plenty of movies, but these take place before the TV show, and star Lina Inverse and Naga the White Serpent instead of the regular cast from the show (Lina, Gourry, Amelia, and Zelgadiss).
When I watched the show for the first time, I remember thinking it reminded me a little of my own Dae Chronicles, but at the time I had only completed roughly the first book and a half of the series. Years later, when I had finished writing the first three, I started reading the novels by Hajime Kanzaka, and I thought they were eerily similar to my own stuff in tone and (one would hope) exhilarating fun. So, needless to say, I kept reading them!
Slayers Next was the best season out of the three, and the opening music, sung by Megumi Hayashibara, is most likely the best opening for an anime ever. I just love that song, okay? It's fun, upbeat, and happy. In one word, it's great, and so was the show!


Anonymous said...

La verdad es que el único contacto previo que había tenido antes con Slayers había sido con la Wish List de Fel en Amazon. Así que no es que tenga mucha idea (ni ninguna) sobre la serie.
Pero me ha llamado la atención el paralelismo con las DC. Puede que algún día le eche un vistazo.

Mario Alba said...

Hehehe. A ver cuándo me compro la serie... No antes de haber terminado con The X-Files, Smallville, Scrubs, y Galactica, eso seguro.