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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Meet Me in Valhalla

Imagine you're a Viking, and all you care about is slaughtering as many enemies as humanly possible before you kick the bucket and hot Valkyries take you to Valhalla to reward you for your glorious battles. Well, I don't know if the script for Sega's new game Viking: Battle of Asgard has anything to do with that, but it is about a Viking beating the crap out of, among other things, burning corpses. Check out this video and be blown away by the quality of the graphics, and the amazing number of sprites moving onscreen. And now I have an XboX 360, heeheehee...

Edit: An even more amazing video!


Recaredo said...

Hombre, yo no se como es posible que puedan salir fulanos como los del video, hablando de brazos cortados y de lo gore que es el juego... Ahí, segando cavezas con tus "viking brothers"...

¡Comité antiviolencia!

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Mejor decapitar personajes que personas ;)