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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pun Intended

Twenty-four years later, I finally entered the lands of the Discworld, that bizarre world atop four giant elephants which are supported by a colossal (as in universe-sized) turtle called the Great A'Tuin. This was explained to me on the very first pages of The Color of Magic, Terry Pratchett's Discworld series first book. And I then thought it couldn't get weirder...

The Color of Magic is a terrific and delightful reading from beginning to end, and, although I was expecting it to have a lot more LOL moments, it still was a great book to start the saga with.
On it, we get to follow wizard failure and coward success Rincewind as he tours newcomer Twoflower and his weird luggage from Ankh-Morpork all to the edge of the Discworld itself. Fairies, tavern brawlings, giant monsters, plane (and dimensional) trips, high adventure heroes, cosmonauts, a sea troll... and many more weird things can be found on a book that is already a classic on my read books list.

This novel is undoubtedly funny, and as surreal as anything could be. Of course, I like surrealism, and when we're talking about humor, I can't help to love it.
Next stop, The Light Fantastic. I'm already feeling the Rincewind love.


Mario Alba said...

Ah, Discworld... A shame Nash doesn't like them. Right now I'm almost done with Moving Pictures, and it's turned out to be very, very entertaining and tremendously funny. Awesome books (most of them)!

Mario Alba said...

Ahora sólo nos falta ver tu crítica de Ultra, con suerte antes del fin de semana (hint, hint) ;)

Anonymous said...

Discworld, definitivamente, mola. Aunque sólo haya leído un libro aún.

Por otro lado, el post de Ultra ya lo tengo escrito, así que sí, lo veréis antes del fin de semana. Ansioso, Fel, que te he dicho mil veces que eres un ansioso. :P

Mario Alba said...

Es verdad que soy un impaciente, qué puedo decir. Aunque tengo cuatro o cinco posts preparados, por si nos haces esperar más de la cuenta, hehehe.

Nash said...

Lo siento pero el humor completamente absurdo de Mundo disco no me gusta nada, no me hace gracia, más bien es una desgracia pero bueno si pensais que os gusta Escarlet, Sarha Michelle y demas tipas feas normal que os gusten tambien libros malos :-)

Mario Alba said...

Y es que mira que la Sarha y la Escarlet son feas, la leche.

Anonymous said...

La Sarna y la Escarlatina. Visto así sí que tenemos un gusto horrible para las mujeres, Fel. :\

Mario Alba said...

Pues sí que es verdad. Me siento sucio sólo de pensarlo ;)

Nash said...

Deberias hacerlo por los otros pensamientos que tienes pillin, no por que tengas mal gusto.

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. Con lo puro e inocente que soy...