The Farnsworth Parabox
Parallel universes contained in boxes: what's there not to love? Plus, alternate versions of our favorite characters, and Fry and Leela are married. Priceless!
Parallel universes contained in boxes: what's there not to love? Plus, alternate versions of our favorite characters, and Fry and Leela are married. Priceless!
The Sting
In this ridiculously moving episode, the Planet Express crew travels to the far reaches of space to get honey from the huge Space Bees, and Fry dies protecting Leela. An amazing, touching episode.
In this ridiculously moving episode, the Planet Express crew travels to the far reaches of space to get honey from the huge Space Bees, and Fry dies protecting Leela. An amazing, touching episode.
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles
The Plane Express gang keeps getting younger and younger, and it's up to Professor Farnsworth to find a way to revert the process before they all become fetuses and die!
The Plane Express gang keeps getting younger and younger, and it's up to Professor Farnsworth to find a way to revert the process before they all become fetuses and die!
Bend Her
Bender becomes a fembot to perpetrate a scam and win a bunch of medals at the Olympic Games. But then Calculon falls in love with him, and chaos ensues (not to mention a bunch of jokes about women, mood swings, and being a tramp).
Bender becomes a fembot to perpetrate a scam and win a bunch of medals at the Olympic Games. But then Calculon falls in love with him, and chaos ensues (not to mention a bunch of jokes about women, mood swings, and being a tramp).
Less Than Hero
Fry and Leela get superpowers and become superheroes along with Bender (who has no powers but is cool). A silly tune, silly costumes, and Leela dressing in layers make this episode and instant classic.
Fry and Leela get superpowers and become superheroes along with Bender (who has no powers but is cool). A silly tune, silly costumes, and Leela dressing in layers make this episode and instant classic.
So there you go. Do you agree? You thing I ignored some great episodes such as The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings, Bender Should not be Allowed on TV, Spanish Fry, or Three Hundred Big Boys? Then write a comment and complain about it!
Tendré que repasar la cuarta de Futurama para redescubrir mis favoritos, pero así, de los que Fel ha dicho, tan solo cambiaría TMLH por Bender Should Not Be Allowed On TV.
Boooooh! We want Bender! :D
Hahaha. Buen episodio también, sí señor.
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