Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Monday, March 05, 2007

Extra, Extra: Buddha Saves the Planet!

Last night I decided to watch some of the extras the Bridget Jones's Diary DVD offers, and I was rolling on the floor with laughter when I heard what I'm about to tell you. So, instead of wondering why the heck I own that movie (I also have the book, and I like them both), just read this, cause it's just too rich to keep to myself.
In the special feature called The Young and the Mateless (an Expert's Guide to Being Single), Karen Salmansohn, who the caption says is the author of Even God is Single, states -and I quote- "All the superheroes are single, when you think about it: Superman, The Lone Ranger, Buddha." I want to think this monstrosity is due to editing, but the unsettling truth is that good old Karen is ticking off fingers to go with the names, and Superman gets one finger, The Lone Ranger gets two fingers, and Buddha gets three.
Now, I don't know what's more distressing:
(1) That she claims all superheroes are single, when this is certainly not the case.
(2) That she claims Superman is single when, last time I checked, he was married to Lois Lane.
(3) That The Lone Ranger and Buddha are said to be superheroes. I don't know. I think there's something terribly wrong with this woman (she also says, when mentioning "cool people" who are single, that God is single), but at least she makes for a good laugh. Enjoy!


Nash said...

No entiendo eso de que superman tine un dedo, el otro dos y el otro tres...por que finger es "dedo" o "toca", ya me explicaras.

Mario Alba said...

Lo que decía es que la mujer va contando con los dedos: 1, 2 y 3. Pero eso no es relevante ;)

Nash said...

Ha vale, asi tiene mas sentido, creo que voya a pedir q subtitulen todos los post, ya que soy una minoria mayoritaria y no es justo que no me entere bien de las cosas.

Mario Alba said...

Lo que tienes que hacer es aprender inglés, que material de práctica tienes un rato largo ;)