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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fiery Bugs

I was watching a colony of fire ants at the farm earlier today, and decided to draw one of them. Needless to say, you can't draw a fire ant without having fire coming out of it, which explains what's going on in the picture. Not as clever an idea as I'd like to think, you say? Well, you're probably right, but what can I say? Not every illustration is high-concept, now is it? Enjoy!


Nash said...

Mola cantidad el diseño del bicho, hormigas igneas....eso seguro que lo podemos poner en algun relato corto.

Mario Alba said...

No quedaría mal, no :)

Anonymous said...

Gran dibujo, Fel. Mola cómo te ha quedado de conseguido el efecto de las llamas.

"Hormigas ígneas", jeje. Nada, a ir patentando el nombre. :)

Mario Alba said...

Me alegro de que os guste. Y es verdad que lo de "hormiga ígnea" suena estupendo!