Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Emo-tionally Empty

What do you call a thriller that has no thrills, no tension, no intrigue, no pace worth mentioning, and that is beyond boring? Why, you call it The Invisible, a movie directed by David S. Goyer, who also inflicted Blade: Trinity upon us, innocent moviegoers.

The Invisible is based on a novel called Den Osynlige, by Mats Wahl, and even though I have never read it, I have a hard time imagining the book being as tedious as the film. What should be a fast-paced thriller packed with suspense and anxiety is instead a bore of a story packed with angst-ridden characters.
Everybody in this movie is angry all the time, and not only is it impossible to relate to any of them, you actually wish them ill, because they all are pathetic excuses for human beings. Not to mention they’re all clear-cut stereotypes presented in a very obvious and preachy way. The bad girl that’s bad because of her situation at home. The cowardly loser. The writer that feels alienated and superior to everybody. The widow wallowing in her grief. And the cops have to be the sorriest excuse for a police force I have ever seen in a movie. They don’t run, they do crossword puzzles instead of paying attention, and they let the suspect go away without even pretending to be trying. (I actually felt bad for the actors in that scene. It must have been embarrassing to bring to life such a poorly written scene.)

The soundtrack seems more like an attempt to promote emo bands than anything else, since more than a score, the soundtrack is just a bunch of angsty songs put together, blaring at you at the most random times for no apparent reason. What a punishment for my ears.

The Invisible opened last April, but there were so many other movies opening at the same time that I never had a chance to see it. I’ve been wanting to rent it ever since it came out on DVD back in November or December, and now that I’ve done it, I can genuinely say that I’m sorry I wasted 96 minutes of my life on this. Even worse: those 96 minutes felt like two and a half hours. Please avoid this film like the plague.


Nash said...

Si a ti te ha parecido tan malo no me quiero ni imaginar lo malo que puede ser ese film, asi que huiremos no como de una plaga, si no como de la peste negra.

Mario Alba said...

Que es como se llama en inglés la citada enfermedad...

Nash said...

Y como se dice plaga??? Y por que le cambian el nombre???

Mario Alba said...

Hmmm... plague?

Mario Alba said...


The Plague es la peste.
A plague es una plaga.
A pandemic es una epidemia.

Nash said...

Gracias por la aclaración, hay unas figuras de warhammer que son los monjes de la plaga, y se refieren a plaga no a peste, pero bueno ya esta todo entendido

Mario Alba said...

Pues eso. Aprenda inglés con Sunny Jhanna ;)