Please go back in time to March 2006. It was then that a little movie called Pulse was supposed to open. Yet another horror movie. Yet another teen horror movie. Yeat another teen horror movie based on a Japanese horror movie. But this one starred Kristen Bell, famous for her starring role in the TV show Veronica Mars (you could do worse than getting the show on DVD, by the way). So I thought I'd go see it, but it got pushed back to July. July 14th, as it happens. Tomorrow, in other words.
But the movie got pushed back again, this time to August 11th. The way I understand it, studios schedule movies they are either not confident in or they don't care about in those middle/last weeks of the month named after the Roman Emperor. But hey: Kristen Bell is in the movie.
But the story is starting to look more and more like the American release of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children on DVD, because -you guessed it-, it's been pushed back again. This time, to September 8th.
There's an interesting thread on IMDb.com (where else?) about this issue. Disastrous test screenings and negative reactions are mentioned. Some other people say the studio is shooting for a PG-13 rating that is just not happening. In fact, it seems the movie is rated R, but the Pulse Official Site says the movie is not rated yet. Interesting, right?
I understand the studio wants to make as much money as possible, and shooting for the PG-13 rating will give the movie a much broader target audience; but if the movie is supposed to be an R movie, all the cuts and changes to make it PG-13 are undoubtedly going to hurt the final product. And spawn at least a couple of DVD editions.
And you know what? In the end, the movie is probably going to suck no matter what. But hey, it's Kristen Bell, so I'll go see it, and hope for the best.
Cuarto retraso en la fecha de estreno. Suerte que tienes. Probablemente aquí en España ni lleguen a estrenarla. Estoy perezoso para mirarlo en IMDb (y un tanto handicapped, ya que escribo desde el trabajo). Lástima que la Bell no vaya a salir en la película vestidita de Madonna Bueno, en realidad no conozco el argumento, siempre se puede soñar...
Pues hablando de la señorita Campana y de vestiditos (con énfasis en el diminutivo), el otro día vi en Blockbuster una peli en la que ella sale que parece "interesante". La peli es un musical llamado "Reefer Madness", y, a juzgar por las fotos de la caja, Cristinita Campana se luce (sin enseñar nada, no seas malpensado).
La dirección IMDb:
Jejeje. Sí, ya me he fijado en la película. Le dan un 42% tan solo en Rotten Tomatoes, así que no creo que me vaya a arriesgar a verla. En cuanto a Cristinita Campana... Está muy buena, cierto, pero me da menos morbo que la SMG, por ejemplo. Será que he visto a una con veintiocho años, la cabeza bien madura y asentada, y cuando ví a la otra en Buff por primera vez era mucho más impresionable. Sí, he madurado, ¿qué pasa?
Pues parece que sí la estrenan el 11 de agosto, pues ayer vi el anuncio en la tele. Ya veremos qué tal está...
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