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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Some More Artwork from Yours Truly

Now here's a post that is not about a book. How weird is that? Anyway. This is a little excerpt of the graphic novel I'm drawing this summer. I've already mentioned it a couple of times, but I know I haven't really shown a lot of it. I just want it to be a surprise for my two or three fans, I guess.
So far, I've drawn 61 pages out of the 96 the story will be, so I'm almost done. When it's done, I'll try to sell it to different publishers; and when that doesn't work, I'll see if I can self-publish it. If I stop buying prints from Richard Friend (check them out: they're great!), I might even have the money!
About this picture in particular, I drew it (pencil), and my sister inked and colored it, so this is a team effort. I hope you like it, and please don't steal it!


Anonymous said...

La verdad es que está bastante chulo. Puedes contarme entre uno de tus futuros lectores.

Por cierto, ayer vimos POTC 2. A mí me gustó (aunque quizá no tanto como la primera), pero Lori considera que perdimos dos horas y media de nuestras vidas (bueno, esta es la versión resumida de su opinión, creo que ha dejado un comentario en el post que hiciste al respecto).

Mario Alba said...

Gracias :)
Ya te avisaré cuando esté terminado, que la cosa promete (qué imparcial soy, ¿has visto?).

Me alegro de que te gustase POTC2. Voy a ver qué ha escrito Lori...

huitzilin said...

Wow! I can really appreciate the work that goes into the coloring better now that you showed me the video on filling, shading, etc.

You guys must have a huge feeling of accomplishment, even though you haven't finished yet. Just to have made it this far demonstrates persistence and discipline. Congratulations!

Mario Alba said...

Thanks, Lori. It really is taking some effort. I consider myself quite disciplined, but some days it is really hard to forc myself to sit down and draw. I guess it'd be easier if my sister was here with me, so we could both feed off each other's energy and enthusiasm. Anyway, every time she finishes a page and sends it to me, I'm like "Wow! I gotta keep going, so she has something to wow me with!". We'll see how long it takes to complete the whole project...

Anonymous said...

Hola a todos!

Oye Mario tu novela gráfica parece que va muy bien. Me uno a todos esos elogios de la autodisciplina que te han llovido. Y ahora con la ayuda de esa colaboradora que tienes... esto pinta muy bien.

Un abrazo a los demás, Lori, Racuna, Alberto. Espero que el veranito esté yendo bien. Yo acabo de llegar de una despedida de soltero que hicimos en Granada. Alucinante subir por las Alpujarras en quads! Divertidísimo.

Hasta luego.