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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Blue Copycat

Remember the Taken/The Keeper mash-up I regaled you with a couple of weeks ago? Well, today we have another one. This time, the movie poster being ripped-off is Avatar, and the copycat is a movie called Riverworld. For those of you who care, Riverworld stars Tahmoh Penikett and Laura Vandervoort, and it doesn't sound much like Avatar, but that cover is just a shameless imitation. Plus, sight unseen, I'm going to go ahead and say Riverworld isn't nearly as good as Avatar, but I might be wrong. I doubt that I'll bother to find out whether or not I'm right, though, but feel free to watch this film and let me know!


Nash said...

No son tan parecidas estas dos portadas lo que pasa es que los bichos son azules.

Mario Alba said...

Iguales! Son iguales! ;)