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Friday, August 20, 2010

Ninja Sketch

Here you have a quick sketch I drew a couple of months ago that I was positive I had already shown you. This is one of those pictures I draw while playing Dungeons & Dragons, and I kind of like how it turned out. This is the first time I've drawn a Ninja Turtle in about fifteen years, if not longer, and I didn't have any photo reference to look at, so if it doesn't look exactly right, that's why. Anyway, I hope you like it!


Carlos said...

Para ser el primero en tanto tiempo te ha quedado muy bien, mi tortuga ninja favorita es Michelangelo. ¿Cuando los terminas los dibujos los pintas o lo dejas así?

Mario Alba said...

Depende. Algunos se quedan a lapiz, y otros los entinto o coloreo. Este, en particular, se quedo asi :)

Nash said...

No esta nada mal. A mi me gustaba el mestre splinter o como se escriba.

Mario Alba said...

Yo siempre tuve debilidad por Donatello, pero me alegro de que te guste :)