Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's a Secret

One of the good things about Slayers is that it makes me want to draw, whether it's characters from the show or my own. So, after watching four episodes of Slayers Try in a row, I went to my desk, got my sketchpad, and produced this picture of Xellos, the mysterious priest from the show. Xellos is an enigmatic character who is always plotting and manipulating the main characters to advance his own agenda. However, he also helps them in more than one occasion, so you never really know what to make of him. Will he end up betraying Lina and her friends, or will he become part of the gang? With Xellos, you never know!


Nash said...

Muy chulo el dibujo, lo unico que le falta es un fondo.

Mario Alba said...

Como a todos mis dibujos, hahaha...

Anonymous said...

Jeje, ya te digo.

Por cierto, Fel, parece que te gusta la serie Slayers. ¿Me equivoco? :P

Mario Alba said...

Hahaha. No sé de dónde te has sacado esa idea...

Anonymous said...

Nah, ha sido potra.

Me mola cómo te ha quedado la capa.

Mario Alba said...

Mi parte favorita son las piernas :)