Me gusta leer y ver la tele

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Mind of Mad

Joe Madureira is, along with J. Scott Campbell, my favorite comic book artist. Like Campbell, Mad isn’t exactly a prolific artist, but at least he does have some sort of excuse, since during the last few years he’s been working as a concept artist for videogames rather than drawing comics. Well, thanks to this cool site devoted to the life and works of Joe Mad, I just found out about the project he’s working on as we speak. Said project is called Darksiders, and it’s a videogame that will be released for the Xbox360 and PlayStation 3. In this cool video, Joe Mad talks about different aspects of the game, and I encourage you to check it out. If you don’t care about what he has to say, you can watch this clip instead, and you’ll see the cinematic intro for the game. But if you’re like me and understand that yeah, cinematic sequences look nice and all but you don’t actually watch them more than once, you might then find this clip interesting. It shows gameplay from Darksiders, and it looks like this game is going to be awesome. And in this one, you can see more gameplay, and you also get to check out some of Mad’s terrific designs for the game. And if, after all this, you’re still not excited, then you should watch this one, in which the creators talk about the story for the game. What? You don’t think playing as War, one of the four Horsemen of Apocalypse is cool? You don’t think that amazing sword he’s carrying is badass? You don’t? Then you’re just weird.


Anonymous said...

Mierda ya, ¿queréis dejar todos de hablar de videojuegos molones y eso? Que mientras yo aquí sigo sufriendo en silencio, leches.

Sí, Fel, Darksiders tiene una pinta bestial. Leches ya. :\

Mario Alba said...

Lo único que tienes que hacer es venir a verme, y te dejaré jugar a todos los juegos que tenga. Claro que, ahora que lo pienso, comprarte la consola y los juegos te saldría más barato, aunque sería menos divertido, hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Sí, probablemente sería más barato. Y ciertamente menos divertido, al menos para ti, jeje. Claro que yo también me quedaría sin viaje.

Pero definitivamente, algún día haré esa visita, que llevo desde los 11 años sin pisar los USA.

Tú solo espera a que junte el tiempo y el dinero...

Mario Alba said...

Esperando estoy...

Anonymous said...

Pero casi mejor búscate una silla mientras lo haces. ;)

Mario Alba said...

Mejor un sofá. Delante de mi tele de alta definición. Y de mi Xbox360 :)

Anonymous said...

Jejeje. Touché.