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Friday, June 06, 2008

Sky Doll vs. Sky Doll

Ever since Marvel announced they were going to publish my beloved Sky Doll in the US, I had been wondering about how good a job they were going to do. Would they censor it? Would they destroy the narrative flow with their horrible ads? Would they, in other words, butcher the breathtaking work of art Sky Doll is? And I'm glad to say the answer is no, they haven't.

The only difference between the European and the American versions is in the format. The original European album is much bigger than the American comic book size. Also, the European version is a hardcover book, while Marvel's version is just a floppy. I understand they did this for a variety of reasons (readers' familiarity with the established format among them), but I wish the pictures were bigger. Instead, we get big chunks of empty space on top and at the bottom of the page, and the panels are smaller than their European counterparts. And said pages are the nasty, low quality paper Marvel usually uses for their monthlies.

Other than that, Sky Doll is the glorious same. There's no censorship, so there's the occasional boob here and there. There're no ads, so the whole story can be read without a single break. The translation is good and reads well (for the most part), with the occasional curse and foul language. In other words: it is a good adaptation of the original source, so I hope everyone goes and buys this book. It is a terrific read (very positive reviews here, here, here, and here), and I hope it becomes a smashing success this side of the Atlantic. It sure deserves it!

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