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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sigma Tau Delta

I would lie if I didn't say that Hazed disappointed me. It was still a fun read, but it wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be. The script by Mark Sable is more bitter than funny, and I almost got more resentment than sarcasm from its pages. The artwork by Robbi Rodriguez was cute and cartoony, and I liked it for the first few pages, but as soon as new characters were introduced, I started to have trouble following because they all either looked the same (and I understand that was intentional in some cases, but not all), or their aspect changed so much from one page to the next that I had to double check and make sure I knew who they were.

The story of sorority Sigma Tau Delta (STD, heehee) is grim and grotesque, but it also feels close to real, and maybe that's why I didn't find it funny but scary. I already knew "real issues" (anorexia, suicide, depression) were dealt with in the book, but I expected them to be presented in a different light, since the book is supposed to be funny, not make you shiver. But maybe I'm missing the point and that was exactly what the author wanted to achieve. Also (and I doubt he intended this), I felt the story was rushed (no pun intended), and even though I understand several months go by, the characters' ridiculous shifts in weight and body mass were ludicrous and not very well portrayed.

To sum it up, Hazed was entertaining, but I wouldn't recommend buying it. I'll let you borrow it, instead, if you're interested.


Anonymous said...

Basándome en la página vista, coincido contigo: la cosa no me hace tanta gracia como me da mal rollo.

Mario Alba said...

Buena síntesis, Hal: es justo así como me sentí mientras lo leía. Más que reírme, pensaba: this is creepy. Y no cool creepy, sino bad karma creepy. O sea: una lectura prescindible.