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Sunday, June 01, 2008

Blogger Sapiens Award

Since we mentioned monkeys yesterday, let's go ahead and stay on the topic for a little while longer. My dear friend Jorge has, from his blog Filocómic, nominated Sunny Jhanna for the Blogger Sapiens Award. Halagan, Nash and I are, of course, delighted and grateful he deems us worthy, so thank you again, Jorge!

But with great awards come great responsibilities, and Uncle Ben almost said. Part of the BSA is nominating more blogs in turn, and this is something the three Jhannian Bloggers have found extremely difficult (too many choices and all that). We thought about it, slaved over it, and kind of came to an agreement of sorts. At any rate, and in no particular order, here you have our picks:

My Boring-Ass Life
Kevin Smith's candid blog is often hilarious and always interesting. He talks about his life, movies, pop culture, and shameless self-promotion, but he's always honest, entertaining, and foul-mouthed. In other words, you gotta love 'im.
Spanish writer Javier Marías's blog is updated daily with interesting articles by and about this amazing author. I've been reading his essays for about a decade now, and I always find him a very honest, very reasonable person whose worries and views I find myself sharing most of the time.

Wildstorm Studios's blog is the perfect place to see cool comic book artwork. Jim Lee and his gang erratically post their works in progress, concepts, random illustrations, and commissions. They also have step-by-step how to's, videos, and great competitions with some of the most acclaimed artists working in the industry today. A fun place to visit!

Infinite Regress
American writer Paul Levinson's blog offers, among a plethora of other things, reviews of many great TV shows. Check it out for articles on current events, quality shows, podcasts, videos, and his books.

And that's it. It was tough, but we did it! Congratulations to all the nominees!

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