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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Messiah Complex

Messiah Complex was the recent big crossover between Marvel's X-titles. It was announced as the biggest (first?) crossover in the last few years, and, at thirteen parts, it was big alright. The story unfolds in the pages of Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, X-Factor, and New X-Men, and it serves both as the swan song for New X-Men, which has been rebooted and retitled (it's Young X-Men now, a horrible title if I've ever heard one), and as the launching pad for the new X-Force series.

The story was interesting, and it followed the mutants' attempt at finding what appears to be the first-born mutant since the events portrayed in House of M decimated the mutant population. Without revealing anything, I'll say that the story ties in both with recent events and with some old stuff, and it was done in a very competent way.

The artwork was uneven, and I only really enjoyed Humberto Ramos's issues (New X-Men), Marc Silvestri's opening chapter, and David Finch's covers. The rest of the artwork, by Scott Eaton (X-Factor) and Billy Tan (Uncanny), was unremarkable. Heck, even Chris Bachalo's issues (X-Men) left me indifferent, even if they were noticeably better than Eaton's and Tan's pictures.

At any rate, the story by Ed Brubaker (Uncanny), Mike Carey (X-Men), Peter David (X-Factor), and Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost (New X-Men) was interesting enough to keep me turning pages, and it made me think about going back to the monthly mutant titles. Fortunately, the urge passed quickly, so I'll just keep picking up the occasional issue. But if you want to know what's going on in mutant world, check out Messiah Complex and have a good time.


Nash said...

A mi siempre me han encantado los crossover, espero que lleven alguno al cine, pero muchas veces se pasan un poco que te tengas que comprar en un mes 5 o 6 colecciones para seguirlo me parece una pasada. Me gustan cuandolas historias son paralelas a las series regulares y todos los numeros los dibuja el mismo autor, que en este hay muy buenos dibujantes, pero crep que da más continuidad a la historia, no tanto cambio de estilo.

Nash said...

Como creo que los post siguen saliendo en automatico comento esto aqui. Van a sacar para la Wii un juego de lucha de sables de luz, en principio estaria bien, lo malo es que esta basado en clone wars aqui tenies el trairler.

Anonymous said...

Habrá que ver ese juego. Para mí la Wii tiene un potencial tremendo, pero habrá que esperar a que saquen la 2 o algo. Y a que dejen de hacer muñequitos cabezones.

Por cierto Nash, cuando quieras pon post programado, que está bien tirado y así no se te adelanta Fel.

Mario Alba said...

Oí lo de un controlador para la Wii en forma de lightsaber, pero pensaba que Lucas se había echado para atrás y no lo iban a hacer. De todas formas, estoy contento con mi 360. Y The Force Unleashed sale este año!